অসমীয়া   বাংলা   बोड़ो   डोगरी   ગુજરાતી   ಕನ್ನಡ   كأشُر   कोंकणी   संथाली   মনিপুরি   नेपाली   ଓରିୟା   ਪੰਜਾਬੀ   संस्कृत   தமிழ்  తెలుగు   ردو

Roles and Responsibilities of Staff in CCI

Duty bearers of Child Care Institution for CCL

Every Child Care Institutions (CCIs) for Children in conflict with law (CCL) are to have the following staff, the number of which may vary with the number of inmates.

  1. Superintendent (Person-in-charge)
  2. Accountant/store keeper
  3. Probation Officer/Case Worker/ Child Welfare Officer
  4. Mental Health Team Counsellor - Psychologist
  5. Educator - Academics and sports, PT/Yoga
  6. Vocational Training Instructors
  7. House Father/House Mother, helper,  Cook, House Keeper, Security guards, Safai Karamcharis

The duty bearers in Child Care Institutions (CCIs) for Children in conflict with law (CCL) may be full time and part time, based upon their roles and duties.

  • The full time staff in a CCI may consist of Superintendent/Person-in-charge, who is the Person-in Charge, Child Welfare Officer, Case Workers, Counsellor, Teachers, Vocational training instructor, Medical nurse, Administrative staff, Care givers, House father, House mother, Store keeper, Cook, Helper, Washer men, Safai karamachari, Gardener, Security guards as required.
  • The part-time staff shall include psychiatrist, psychologist, Medical officer, sports teacher, PT/yoga teacher.
  • The vocational trainer and vocational counsellor must be brought on board through tie-ups with other existing schemes of Government for vocational training and skill development.
  • The staff shall be appointed in accordance with the educational qualifications, training and experience required for each category.
  • The staff of the CCI shall be subject to control and overall supervision of the Superintendent/Person-in- charge.
  • The number of posts for each category of duty bearer shall be fixed on the basis of capacity of the institution as outlined in the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS).

Person-in-charge/ Superintendent of an Institution

  • The Person-in-Charge or the Superintendent of the Institution is in-charge of the maintenance of the CCI and for providing care and protection to the children.
  • He shall be the controlling authority in so far as the administration activities pertaining to the institution as a whole are considered. All the staff in the institution is his/her subordinates for the purpose of administration.
  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge needs to be accessible on a 24X7 basis and shall reside in living quarters provided on the campus of the institution, and until such time that he has been provided the same, he/she shall reside in premise which is located at close proximity with the institution.

The Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall be responsible for the following, namely:

Over-all charge of the Institution

  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall ensure that services provided to children by CCI are in accordance with:
    • Provisions of the JJ Act, 2015.
    • Orders of the Board or Children‘s Court.
    • Standards of care outlined in JJ Act, 2015 and its Rules.
    • Record keeping requirements as outlined in JJAct, 2015 and its Rules.
  • Provide an environment in which children feel that they are nurtured and cared for, where they feel secure and are ensured that they are going to receive the care, supervision and facilities required to take stock of their lives, take accountability for their actions, undergo reformation, receive education, vocational training, and opportunities to get themselves on a path of better living, which will help them to grow and develop, and keep away from crime.
  • To ensure that all children in the Institution receive all necessary services. This includes adequate quality of living conditions, receipt of necessary materials, care planning and follow-up: counseling, education vocational training, life skills, reformation, rehabilitation, physical and mental health facilities, legal aid/assistance, opening of a bank account and registration for Aadhaar etc. Ensure that the incentives if any, received by the child during his/her stay are deposited in his bank account.
  • Ensure recidivism prevention programmes for children and follow up.
  • Planning, supervision, and co-ordination of all activities in the Institution.
  • Liaison externally with the concerned departments, and other agencies on matters related to running of the Institution and facilities for children which is permissible within the JJ Act, 2015 and the Rules framed there under.
  • Liaise with the District Child Protection Unit or District Legal Service Authority or State Legal Services Authority to ensure legal assistance for every child.
  • Liaise, Coordinate and Co-operate with the State Child Protection Society (SCPS) and District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) as and when required.
  • The Person-in-charge of every Institution, housing children, shall facilitate setting up of children‘s committees for participation of children in the functioning of the CCI for the safety and well-being of children.

Receiving of children in the CCI

  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall be in-charge of receiving children into the Institution for the three purposes: overnight protective stay, protective custody and rehabilitation stay. He/she may delegate/authorize another official of the CCI to perform tasks in relation to receiving a child in the Institution, who for the purpose of receiving a child in the Institution, is designated as the Receiving Officer.
  • If in case the Receiving Officer is not convinced of documents and other information to prove the identity of the child, the matter would need to be immediately brought to the notice of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge, Who shall forthwith inform the Board and produce the child before the Board without any delay.
  • After receiving the child into the Institution, the Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall ensure that the child undergoes all processes necessary and receives all reception services necessary in the Reception Unit on arrival and within the first 14-days period.

Production of children before the Board/Children’s Court

  • To ensure that the officials (child welfare officer/case worker/probation officer) produce children before the Board/Children‘s Court as per the scheduled dates and that all dates are recorded in the child‘s file.
  • To ensure that a weekly list of children in the CCI is prepared and forwarded to the Board and that it is brought to the attention of the Board if no date has been given for the production of a child.

Organization of meetings of the Management Committee

  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge is the Member Secretary of the Management Committee.
  • He/she shall organize monthly meetings of the Management Committee for the purpose of monitoring the progress made by each child against goals set out in the Individual Care Plan, all matters and issues related to functioning of the CCI and provision of services to children.

Supervision of all officials in the CCI

  • To supervise all the staff working in the Institution and to provide instructions/directions for smooth and effective functioning of the institutions.
  • To ensure that all the staff are discharging their duties in accordance with the rules and regulations.
  • To ensure prompt, firm and considerate handling of all disciplinary matters.
  • To delegate responsibilities to staff for different aspects of running the CCI, and providing care and rehabilitation to children.
  • To mentor and support staff in the discharge of their duties.
  • Address issues in weekly meetings.
  • Escalate matters to the department for support and direction.
  • Be available to staff when required.
  • Use technology, for example, form a Whatsapp group of staff to stay in regular contact, provide/receive information and directions on a real time basis.
  • To convene weekly staff meetings with the Probation Officer and all staff of CCI to discuss routine matters which need his/her approval, resolve problems raised by the staff.
  • To ensure that performance review is undertaken for all staff in the Institution.
  • To sanction and approve staff leave and expenses.

Capacity Building of staff

  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge is responsible to ensure capacity building of staff in the following areas:
    • Skill Development: Rights based approaches to working with children, skills to help working with children counselling, psychological therapy, communication and negotiation with children, understanding adolescence, positive reinforcement and conditioning to inculcate good behaviour, recreation activities, sports activities, team building, documentation, computer literacy.
    • Personal Development: Addressing burn out, stress management, team building, conflict resolution.
  • Taking the necessary approvals from the Department, develop partnerships and tie-ups with other agencies, including NGOs and corporations for provision of capacity building inputs to the staff in the CCIs.
  • To ensure that the staff attends capacity building workshops organized by the Department, NIPCCD, NGOs, and other agencies.

Finance and Administration

  • Financial management of the Institution, propose plan and non-plan schemes for the further development of the Institution.
  • Approve expenses of the staff of the CCI.
  • Liaise with DCPU and SCPS for matters related to finances of the institution.
  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall be the custodian and ensure the safety of important confidential documents, deeds agreements, personal files of staff, valuable articles of children etc.
  • Ensure the maintenance and upkeep of the Institution through proper supervision and inspection—safe and adequate supply of water for drinking, bathing, washing and other purposes, storage areas are clean and free from rodents, inspection of food stock, removal of expired food supplies from the kitchen, ensure adequate supply of all materials-food, clothing, toiletries, cleaning materials etc. proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in the Institution, working condition of all electrical equipment, among others.
  • Forward a list of vacancies available in the Institutions to the Department on a monthly basis.
  • Ensure back-up arrangements and reserves for water storage, power, emergency lighting, food supply, in case of emergencies.

Nurturing environment which ensures rehabilitation and/or reformation of children in the CCI

In this regard the Superintendent/Person-in-charge needs to :

  • Ensure that the Institution provides a nurturing environment in which children receive care which enables them to:
    • Take Accountability for their actions.
    • Make shifts in their thinking.
    • Get their lives back on a path which keeps them away from crime.
  • Ensure that the children know that the staff don‘t think of them as criminals, however believe in them, and want to support them as they take accountability for their action, and in making positive changes to their lives.
  • Ensure that counseling sessions and reviews with children include conversation on taking accountability for actions, accepting consequences of actions, moving forward and making amends for one‘s actions.
  • Ensure that staff are respectful, caring and nurturing in their attitude towards the children.
  • Ensure that ICP/rehabilitation plans are formulated, and reviewed periodically, and that they also incorporate the views of children.
  • Ensure that the staff/legal aid lawyers keep children informed about status of their case and indicate clear time frames to them.
  • Supervise and monitor discipline in the Institution and ensure that staff and children are nurtured using positive methods of eliciting good behaviour.
  • Ensure that national holidays and festivals are celebrated through organization of special events in the CCI, in which all children get to participate.


  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge needs to ensure that the children receive formal education.
  • Liaise with voluntary agencies, and corporates to bring in educational support services into the CCI so that children can receive:
    • Bridging the educational gaps to enable children to get to a level where they can be admitted into the formal school.
    • Supplementary coaching and tutions.
    • Non - formal education for those children for whom formal education may not be an option.
  • He/she needs to ensure that those children who are in school need to be allowed to continue and given the required support to undertake the same.
  • If a child is rejected for readmission in school or college for his alleged or involved in an offence, it is the responsibility of the Person in-charge to bring it to the notice of the Board or Children‘s Court which may issue necessary instructions to the management of school or college for readmission.
    • Ensure that all paper work necessary gets done (Transfer Certificate, applications forms etc.)
    • Supplementary coaching.
    • Time to study and prepare.
    • Support to appear for exams.

Vocational Training

  • To ensure that vocational training is available for every child in the Institution. It is critical that in order for children to stay away from crime, they must receive vocational training in areas which allow them to work, and earn a decent living honestly.
  • Converging through the department with government facilities for skill development and vocational training to be made available for children in Institutions.
  • Invite corporations, NGOs to undertake vocational training activities for the children, take them on in apprenticeship, and to employ them after completion of their period of stay in the CCI.
  • Networking with the department and ensure that children from the Institutions may attend ITI, and other professional courses outside the Institution.
  • Liaising with NSDC at the district level for support for children in the CCIs and to train them in the Institution/set them up and support them in jobs/small businesses when they leave the CCIs upon release.

Health of the children

The Superintendent/Person-in-charge needs to ensure that all health care facilities to be made available to the children in the CCI are provided for:
  • Ensure the availability of medical officers on call to deal with medical emergencies
  • Ensure arrangements for ambulance service and local government hospital for treatment of children on priority in emergencies.
  • Regular health check- ups once a month for all children residing in the CCIs.
  • Height and weight checks.
  • Hospitalization if necessary.
  • Segregation of child ren who have communicable diseases.
  • Preventive actions to prevent illnesses and their spread especially during severe weather conditions in summer (heat - stroke), winter, rains (Jaundice, Dengue and Malaria).

Daily routine

  • Every Child Care Institution shall have a daily routine for children developed in consultation with the Children‘s   Committees, which shall be prominently displayed at various places within the Child Care Institution. The Superintendent/Person-in-charge needs to ensure that the daily routine is followed:-
    • For meals
    • For education (including co - curricular activities art, craft, sports, reading, music)
    • Physical exercise
    • Yoga
    • Vocational training
    • Toilet/Bath/laundry/personal care
    • Rest
    • Spiritual/thought formation/life skills
    • Recreation (reading, movies, music)
    • Free time
    • Free play
    • Moral education
    • Group activities
    • Prayer and community singing and
    • Special programmes for Sundays and holidays and national holidays, festive days, birthday.
  • He/she needs to ensure that the children are kept occupied with activities and that they are not neglected throughout the day.
  • He/she needs to ensure that children‘s views and feedback on the daily schedule/ routine are incorporated and that necessary changes are made.
  • He/she is responsible for incorporating inputs of staff in developing a roster for staff and daily schedule for children.

Visits to the Institution

  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall inspect the CCI twice daily at the minimum. He shall make a record of the timings of his inspection and also note his observations in a separate book maintained for the purpose, especially with regard to:
    • maintenance of hygiene and sanitation ;
    • maintenance of order;
    • quality and quantity of food ;
    • hygienic maintenance of food articles and other supplies ;
    • hygiene in the medical centre and provisions for medical care ;
    • counselor of the children and staff;
    • security arrangements and
    • maintenance of files, registers and books.
  • Anything irregular that comes to his notice, it shall be enquired into and resolved and the date, time and nature of the action taken shall be noted in the book.
  • Where a problem of urgent nature has not been resolved within two working days, the Board or the District Child Protection Unit shall be informed. In the addition to the routine visits the Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall pay surprise visits at least once in week during night and ensure that the Institutional management is in control and vigil is maintained during the night.
  • During visits the Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall interact with children, obtain feedback about how they are feeling, listen to their complaints if any, check for hygiene, sleeping arrangement, segregation of children, whether house mother/father are present in the dormitories.
  • Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall visit the Institution on family visit day, and interact with parents. He shall also motivate both parents and the child, update parents of the child‘s progress, explain procedure, provide guidance and also to hear concerns raised by the parents.
  • In case the Person-in-charge is on leave or otherwise not available, the duties of the Person-in-charge shall be performed by the CWO as designated by the Person-in-charge.

Ensure Participation of children

The Superintendent shall conduct monthly open house meeting with the children and staff in the institution with the following objectives:

  • To ascertain that the children are treated satisfactorily and their rights are not violated
  • To understand and hear problems faced by children.
  • To identify solutions in a transparent manner.
To ensure that children‘s views are heard and incorporated and that they have a say in matters related to functioning of the Institution.
  • Receipt of material supplies-clothes, toiletries, books etc.
  • Food (quality and quantity).
  • Vocational training, educational, recreation and leisure activities.
  • Daily Routine and activities.
  • In interactions with those who provide legal assistance.

Other roles include

  • To ensure that peer support groups are formed in the Institution, and that children meet in their groups and have sharing and discussion sessions.
  • To interact with the children‘s committee representatives to understand if the committees are functioning, understand their issues, receive feedback from them and take action if necessary.
  • To ensure that children receive legal aid and are apprised of the status of their cases.
  • To interact personally/ensure that officers interact with children and parents on visiting day and also to provide support, advice and help counsel both parents and the child.
  • To ensure that there is appropriate display material which children can understand, about the various aspects of care, services, rights/entitlements of children, code of conducts for both staff and children, complaints and redressal mechanisms, material supplies.
  • Engage with the children‘s groups to develop these materials.

Emergency preparedness

  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge/Shift in-charge shall ensure that staff is prepared, trained, and each one has been delegated a role and function at the time of a disaster. He/she shall take prompt action to ensure preparedness of the Institution and the personnel to deal with emergencies (disasters, acts of arson, fights etc.)
  • In case of a natural disaster or fire or any such calamity, the shift in-charge shall take suitable steps for evacuation and safety of the children as per the Disaster Management Protocol as developed by the State Disaster Management Authority for Child Care Institutions.
  • To prepare the officers, children and guards to follow the above steps, a practice drill shall be held once a month, without previous notice by the Person-in-charge.
  • Ensure a risk mitigation plan to ensure that children are safe in situations of disaster.
  • Ensure and minimise risk of fights and arson in the Institution by promoting a culture of openness, facilitating discussion, and encouraging children to resolve issues between themselves and between staff and themselves in a peaceful and violence free manner.
  • Emergency services (fire, police, ambulance) have knowledge of the layout of the CCI and access routes are always kept clear of obstructions.
  • Ensure networking and linkages with emergency services including hospitals, police, ambulance, and fire brigade services.

Seek tie-ups/partnership and collaborations with external agencies towards improvement in the CCI

  • The Superintendent/Person - in - charge may look for tie - ups with organizations with expertise, who may contribu te towards improving the conditions within the CCI, skills and capacities of staff, activities for improvement of services for children which may include education, vocational training, apprenticeship, life skills, recreation, hobbies, sports, community de velopment programs, job placements, mentoring programs, among other initiatives.
  • Tie-ups may be sought with agencies, which include both private, government organizations, corporations - private companies and public sector undertakings, NGOs, social welfare associations of armed forces , NSDC units/partners, ITI, at the district level, private and government hospitals, academic institutions, theatre companies, musician/music groups, senior citize n‘s associations, among others.
  • Tie-ups with Government technical agencies like ITI and other skill development programs.

Safety and Security

  • He/she is responsible for the safety and security of the Institution.
  • He/she shall ensure that the security guards are trained and verified by police.
  • He/she shall liaise with the local police for assistance for monitoring of the security at the CCI, assistance during emergency situations in the CCI.
  • He/she shall liaise with the police for assistance while escorting children who would need to leave the CCI to attend education and vocational training programs as well as for those who need to be taken for health care services.

Search and Seizure

  • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall oversee search and seizure for all those who are subject to search and seizure procedures.
  • He shall ensure that search takes place in a manner that is not derogatory or disrespectful to the child/person being searched.
  • The female child/person shall be searched only by female staff member in a manner that is not derogatory or disrespectful. Take personal belongings, cash, and other valuables of the children for safe keeping until the same is returned to the child at the time that he/she is discharged from the CCI. He shall ensure that procedure outlined in JJA 2015 and JJ Model Rules, 2016 are followed for search and seizure.
  • Ensure that if materials which are prohibited are found, required inquiry is conducted and reports are prepared, and furnished to the police, Board or Children‘s Court for further decision and action.
  • Upon receiving orders of the competent court, oversee the disposal or destruction of the prohibited materials recovered in the search and seizure.

Disposal of child’s records

  • As per Rule 14 of JJ Model Rules, 2016, the records of conviction in respect of a child in conflict with law shall be kept in safe custody till the expiry of the period of appeal or for a period of seven years, and no longer, and thereafter be destroyed by the Person-in-charge or Board or Children‘s Court, as the case may be.
  • In case of a heinous offence where the child is found to be in conflict with law under clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 19 of the JJ Act, 2015, the relevant records of conviction of such child shall be retained by the Children‘s Court.

Responding to media

The Person-in-charge carries a great responsibility while responding to the media. He/She should be sensitive to matters concerning children in conflict with law and should not disclose any information or identity of children or giving out any information which is confidential, including incidents of arson/fights/violence if occur in the institution. Further, the Person-in- charge and the staff member of CCI shall not reveal or disclose or share the details or photos of a child who stays in CCI on any media like facebook, whatsapp etc.

Probation Officer

Every Probation officer shall carry out all directions given by the JJB/Children‘s Court or concerned authority. As per rule 64 of JJ Model Rules, 2016, on receipt of information from the Police or CWPO under clause (ii) of sub- section (1) of section 13 of the JJ Act,2015, without waiting for any formal order from the Board, the Probation Officer shall inquire into the circumstances of the child as may have bearing on the inquiry by the Board and submit a social investigation report in Form 6 to the Board.

The social investigation report should provide for risk assessment, including aggravating and mitigating factors highlighting the circumstances which induced vulnerability such as traffickers or abusers being in the neighbourhood, adult gangs, drug users, accessibility to weapons and drugs, exposure to age inappropriate behaviours, information and material.

The Probation Officer shall carry out the directions given by the Board and shall have the following duties, functions and responsibilities:

  • To conduct social investigation of the child in Form 6. The Social Investigation Report shall be prepared after a process of conducting interviews with the child, family, neighbours, any voluntary agencies or NGOs who the child has had contact with, Child Welfare Police Officer, teachers, peers of the child and any others deemed necessary.
  • The Social Investigation Report shall provide information and observations relating to risk faced by the child in the environment, exposure to risky behaviours, materials, vulnerability in terms of problems faced in the family and problems by the family economic and social.
  • To provide legal aid to children alleged to be or in conflict with law
  • Ensure that the child obtains free legal aid through the SLSA/DLSA/legal cum Probation Officer under the DCPU.
  • Ensure that if required, a bank account of the child is opened.
  • Ensure that all children have Aadhaar card made etc.
  • To participate in the pre-release programme and help the child to establish contacts which could provide emotional and social support to the child after release.
  • To establish linkages with Probation Officers in other Districts and States for obtaining social investigation report, supervision and follow up.
  • To establish linkages with voluntary workers and organisations to facilitate rehabilitation and social reintegration of children and to ensure the necessary follow-up.
  • Regular post release follow-up of the child extending help and guidance, enabling and facilitating their return to social mainstreaming.
  • To prepare the individual care plan and post release plan for the child.
  • To supervise children placed on probation as per the individual care plan.
  • To make regular visits to the residence of the child under his supervision and places of employment or school attended by such child and submit periodic reports as per Form 10.
  • To accompany children where ever possible, from the office of the Board to the observation home, special home, place of safety or fit facility as the case may be.
  • To evaluate the progress of the children in place of safety periodically and prepare the report including psycho-social and forward the same to the Children‘s Court.
  • To discharge the functions of a monitoring authority where so appointed by the Children‘s Court.
  • To maintain a diary or register to record his day to day activities such as visits made by him, social investigation reports prepared by him, follow up done by him and supervision reports prepared by him.
  • To identify alternatives of community services and to establish linkages with voluntary sector for facilitating rehabilitation and social reintegration of children.
  • Any other task as may be assigned.

Supervision when JJB releases child on Probation to parents/fit person/fit facility as per order of JJB.

  • As directed by the JJB, the Probation Officer shall take responsibility for supervision of a child period of up to three years who may be released on probation in the custody of parents, guardian, NGO, or to a fit facility, and provide periodic reports to the JJB as directed.
  • To undertake home visits, visits to place of employment of child, school, vocational training centre, to ensure that the child is fulfilling goals outlined in the ICP/post release plan/rehabilitation card.
  • To submit report outlined in form 10 of JJ Model Rules, 2016.The report should include observations which shall update the JJB if parent s, service providers (voluntary agency/school/employer/vocation training centre) are not providing services as per expectations set out in the ICP/release plan/rehabilitation card.

Responsibility for care and service delivery to children in a CCI

  • Care of child in CCI: While in the CCI (Observation Home, Special Home or Place of Safety), the Probation Officer shall be in charge of the care of the child and shall undertake the following:
    • Help the child to make adjustments required for living in an institution. Ensure that the child is received in the reception unit and given all the necessary services. (Refer section on Reception Unit in CCI).
    • Once the child has passed through the period of care in the Reception Unit the Probation Officer shall be r esponsible to introduce the child to the other children in the dormitory, representatives of the children‘s groups/committees, house mother/father in charge and to make sure that the child is made to feel comfortable.
    • To clarify the problems of the children and deal with their difficulties in institutional life.
    • To assist the children to develop contacts with family and also provide assistance to family members.
    • Ensure coordination with the Superintendent/Person-in-charge and case workers, counsellors , educators, medical staff, voluntary agencies, to ensure that the child receives inputs as per the ICP which has been outlined for him/her.
    • Undertake regular conference with the child to ensure that the child is receiving inputs as per the ICP and to receive feedback from the child about how he/she is feeling, issues faced and to work on solutions together.
    • Accompany the child to the JJB/Children‘s Court for productions or when necessary.
    • Take stock of the child‘s progress, and requirements, and underta ke preparation of progress reports and periodic evaluation reports as per the prescribed formats and as directed by the JJB/Children‘s Court.
    • Ensure that the child makes contact and interacts with family during the period of stay in the CCI.
    • Interact with child and family together and separately to provide information, assess child‘s needs, obtain information towards updating progress towards the ICP, understand services and support required by the child and the family.
    • Lead discussions on each child‘s progress during the period of stay in the CCI at monthly meetings convened by Superintendent/Person-in-charge in the CCI, quarterly reviews in the CCI convened by the Superintendent/Person-in-charge, and during all inspections conducted by JJB, Children‘s Court, Home Management Committee, State and District Inspection Committees.

Preparation of Post Release Plan

The Probation Officer shall prepare a post-release plan for every child prior to release from the Observation Home, Special Home, or Place of Safety. This plan shall be based on interactions with the child, counsellors , case workers, psychologist, parents, and educators.

  • It shall outline a plan for the child post release, outline responsibilities to be taken by family, voluntary agencies if any, and recommendations for measures towards after care and supervision to be provided by the child protection system
  • This plan shall be prepared and placed before the JJB/Children‘s Court two months prior to the child‘s release.
  • The Probation Officer shall have a separate meeting with the child to help the child identify an individual in his/her environment whom he/she can go to for support when he or she is feeling troubled. The particular individual to be named as part of the post release plan.

Annual review and evaluation of children in Place of Safety: As per directions of the JJB/Children‘s Court, the Probation Officer shall undertake annual review and evaluation of children placed in Place of Safety and provide reports to the JJB/Children‘s Court.

  • This report shall be prepared based on interactions with the child, social workers/caseworkers, counselors, psychologists, family of the child.

Daily Diary: To maintain a daily diary of activities undertaken.

  • Interactions conducted with children.
  • Social Investigation Reports prepared.
  • Social background reports prepared.
  • Monitoring and Supervision reports prepared.

Interactions conducted with counsellors, psychologists, social workers/case workers, DCPU, parents, in relation to progress of a child.

Linkages with voluntary organizations and social workers: Establishing linkages with voluntary workers and organisations to facilitate for the rehabilitation and social reintegration of children and to ensure the necessary follow-up with children restored back to the family and community.

Monitoring Authority on orders of the Children’s Court

As per orders of the Children‘s Court, the Probation Officer shall play the role of monitoring authority for a child in conflict with law who has completed the age of 21 and who is released by the Children‘s Court. The District Child Protection Unit shall maintain a list of persons who can be engaged as monitoring authorities which shall be sent to the Children‘s Court along with bi-annual updates. The Monitoring authority will also include CWO or Case Worker as provided under JJ Model Rules 2016. The Monitoring authority shall maintain a Rehabilitation card for the child in Form 14 of JJ Model Rules 2016. As the Monitoring Authority the Probation Officer shall:

  • Meet the child for the first quarter after release on a fortnightly basis or at such intervals as may be directed by the Children‘s Court. He shall fix a time and venue for such meetings in consultation with the child. The PO as monitoring authority will forward its observations on the progress of the child on a monthly basis to the Children‘s Court. A written report of each interaction shall be prepared by the Probation Officer, and shall be submitted to the Children‘s Court on a monthly basis during the first quarter.
  • At the end of the first quarter the PO as monitoring authority shall make recommendations regarding further follow up procedure required for the child.
  • Where the child, after release is found to be indulging in criminal activities or associating with people with criminal antecedents, he shall be brought before the Children‘s Court for further orders.
  • If it is found that the child no longer requires to be monitored, the monitoring authority shall place the detailed report with recommendations before the Children‘s Court which shall issue further directions either terminating the monitoring or for its continuation. The report submitted by the monitoring authority shall provide observations and recommendations to the Children‘s Court to enable:
    • A suitable decision to be taken if the child is found to be at risk of recidivism (keeping company of criminals, indulging in criminal activities, or not coping or settling back into the family and community)
    • Termination of monitoring and follow-up if the child is found to be settled back in the community and family.
    • Receive directions from the Children‘s Court with regards to periodicity of interactions with the child for the period after the first quarter after release.
  • After, the first quarter, submit a report on a quarterly basis to the Children‘s Court.

Case worker/Child Welfare Officer (CWO)

Every Child Welfare Officer or Case Worker in the Child Care Institution shall carry out all directions given by the Board or the Committee or the Children‘s Court. The case worker/child welfare officer shall keep the best interests of the child foremost in his/her approach in dealing with the child/children assigned to him/her. The CWO or Case Worker may also be appointed as monitoring authority as provided under JJ Model Rules 2016. The Monitoring authority shall maintain a Rehabilitation card for the child in Form 14 of JJ Model Rules 2016. The duties of the case worker/child welfare officer are as under.

At the time of production of the child before the JJB or Children’s Court and inquiry

  • The CWO/case-worker shall receive charge of a child from the JJB, Children‘s Court, or the Person-in-charge/Superintendent of an institution and shall implement
  • directions as received from the JJB or Children‘s Court.
  • The CWO/case worker shall accompany the Special Juvenile Police or Child Welfare Police Officer while producing the child to the JJB within 24- hours as per sub-section 1 of section 10 of the JJA 2015.
  • When a child is apprehended in accordance with section 10 of the JJA, and assigned to the CWO/case worker, the CWO/case worker shall produce the child before the Board within 24 hours excluding the time necessary for the journey of apprehending the child, from the place where such child was apprehended and also provide a report explaining why the child was apprehended by the police.
  • To conduct a Social Investigation Report in relation to a child alleged to be in conflict with law, on receipt of information from the police or Child Welfare Police Officer or on arrival of a child in the Child Care Institution and submit the Social Investigation Report to the Board or the Children‘s Court, within 15 days as per Form 6.

Care, supervision and support of children in CCI (Observation Home, Special Home, Place of Safety)

  • All the children in the CCI shall be assigned CWO/case worker who shall be responsible for the child assigned to him by the Superintendent/Person-in-charge in all respects viz. care, protection, rehabilitation, reformation and development of the child.
  • The CWO/case worker shall be responsible for reporting to the Board or the Children‘s Court about the child and maintaining the child‘s record in the Child Care Institution.
  • Upon assignment of the child to the CWO/case worker, he or she shall:
    • Facilitate services to be received by the child at the Reception Unit:
      • Welcome the child to the CCI, explain routine, rules, obligations, expectations of the child, understand child‘s expectations of the institution, explain the code of conduct, what the child should expect from staff and what staff will expect from child, explain the status of the his case and provide tentative timelines so that the child understands his/her situation fully, permit adequate time for the child to ask questions and seek information and clarification.
      • Provision of materials- clothes, footwear, toiletries, issuance of linen.
      • Ensure that the child gets a meal, takes a bath immediately if necessary.
      • Ensure the child has access to detox facilities if he/she should require it.
      • Ensure that any ongoing treatment of the child is not interrupted or neglected.
      • Meet the child more than once a day to ensure that he/she feels safe and comfortable.
  • Facilitate processes such as required tests, assessments and examinations of the child conducted by the professionals in the institution (counselor/teacher/doctor/psychologist).
  • Gather information about the child within the initial five days to ascertain the child‘s education, vocational status and aptitude and emotional status.
  • At the end of stay in the reception unit, escort the child to the dormitory and introduce him/her to the other children.
    • Use positive methods to introduce the child to the other children so that the child feels welcome. Introduce the child to the house father/mother.
    • Introduce the child to children‘s committee members.
  • Maintain documentation and case file for each child assigned in the CCI:
    • Prepare the case file of the child.
    • Collect the child‘s medical, mental status, cognitive assessment, psychosocial and addiction status reports from the persons concerned and place them in the medical record of the child.
    • Maintain the Protective Custody Card.
    • Prepare and maintain the medical record of the child and ensure that the treatment of the child is not interrupted or neglected;
    • On receiving the copy of the order of declaration of age, to make the necessary changes in the record as regards the age of the child if any change is required and to place the copy of the said order in the case file of the child;
    • Update the Individual Care Plan and the case file to record goals achieved and another relevant information related to the child‘s progress:-
      • shall include any complaints received by the child, complaints received against the child, behavioral problems displayed by the child, good behavior displayed by the child.
      • shall include conversations had with child by the CWO/case worker, counselor, psychologist, which shows positive changes, and shifts made by the child in his/her thinking, plans for himself/herself/family.
      • All the case files maintained shall, as far as possible, be computerized and networked on a designated portal i.e. TrackChild, so that the data is centrally available to the State Government, District Child Protection Unit and the Juvenile Justice Board etc.
  • Preparation of Individual Care Plan:
    • Study the reports and prepare in consultation with the child and his family members, an individual care plan for the child in Form 7 for the period pending inquiry, to be placed in the case file of the child when the child is placed for care in the Observation Home or Place of Safety.
    • The CWO/case worker may consult the counsellor, psychologists or such other person as he/she deems fit in this regard.
      • In keeping with the individual care plan, a daily routine shall be developed for the child and explained to him.
      • Ensure that the child adheres to the routine so developed and take timely reports from the caregivers in this respect.
      • Ensure that special programmes for children with recidivism are formulated and incorporated in the ICP such as counseling, follow up and referrals.
  • Review of Individual Care Plan:
      • Review periodically the implementation and effectiveness of the individual care plan and if necessary, suitably modify the individual care plan and the routine activities of the child with the approval of the Management Committee.
  • Meetings and interactions with the child and other stakeholders:
    • Meet the child every day to ensure his/her safety, welfare and development.
    • Assist the child to adjust to the life in the Child Care Institution. A newly received child shall be met more often than once a day.
    • Keep track of all important dates for the child such as dates of production, hearing, appointments for medic al treatment, and others.
        • Ensure the child makes it to all appointments and accompany the child/ensure that the child is accompanied as far as is possible.
    • Have meetings and interactions with other care-givers in the CCI to ensure that the child is receiving all required inputs which are outlined in his/her individual care plan.
    • Assist the child to develop contact with family and also provide guidance and assistance to family members by being present during parent child interactions on family meeting days in the CCI.
    • Facilitate interaction between the child and the Person-in-charge/ Superintendent.
    • Resolve the problems of the child and deal compassionately with his/ her difficulties in life in the CCI.
    • Participate in the orientation, monitoring, education, vocational and rehabilitation programmes in respect of the child and attend the parent teacher meetings in schools in respect of children assigned to them.
    • Participate in the pre-release programme and help the child to establish contact with family which can provide emotional and social support to the child after the release.
    • Maintain contact with the children after their release and extend help and guidance to them.
    • Visit regularly the residence of the child under his supervision and also places of employment or school attended by the child and submit fortnightly reports or as otherwise directed.
  • Ensure that if required, a bank account of the child is opened.
  • Ensure that all children have Aadhaar card made etc.

Duties of House Mothers/Fathers

The house mothers/fathers shall function under the direction of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge and shall be assigned duties towards providing care to children. The general duties, functions and responsibilities shall be as follows, namely:

  • Handle every child in the Child Care Institution with love and affection .
  • Take proper care of the child and ensure his welfare.
  • Provide each child upon his reception with all the necessary supplies like clothing, toiletries etc.
  • Replenish the provisions/supplies as per scale and need of the child.
  • Maintain discipline among the children.
  • Ensure that the children maintain their personal cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Look after maintenance, sanitation and maintain hygienic surroundings.
  • Implement the daily routine of ever y child in an effective manner and ensure the participation of the children.
  • Look after safety and security arrangements in the Child Care Institution.
  • Escort the children whenever they go out of the Child Care Institution for purposes other than production before the Board or the Committee or the Children‘s Court.
  • Report to the Person-in-charge and to the Child Welfare Officer about the child assigned to the Child Welfare Officer.
  • Maintain the registers, relevant to their duties. and
  • Any other duty as may be assigned by the Person-in- charge of the Child Care Institution

Duties related to house-keeping in the CCI

  • The House Father/Mother shall be assigned the duty of verification of cleaning. He/she shall verify that the same has been conducted twice in the day, once in the morning, and once in the evening after the evening cleaning. A record of the same shall be kept in the House-keeping register.
  • The House Father/Mother shall also do verification of meals, the same shall be verified at the time of preparation of every meal - breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and a record of the same shall be kept in the meals register:
    • The House Father/Mother shall verify that the meal has been cooked according to the menu, and check to see if it is prepared in accordance with the standards outlined in the JJ Model Rules 2016.
    • The House Father/Mother shall also make a comment on the quality of the cooking whether it is satisfactory according to him or her and steps which may need to improve quality.


  • Counselling sessions as part of the reception unit upon receiving a child: The counselor/psychologist shall have a minimum of 2 sessions with the child once he/she has been admitted in the reception unit of the CCI. More sessions shall be conducted if required.
      • The Superintendent/Person-in-charge shall ensure that the Probation Officer/ case worker/child welfare officer briefs the counselor with as much information as is available about the child and reasons for admission into the CCI.
      • The objective of these sessions shall be to understand as much as possible about the child, his or her situation, background, circumstances and needs,in order to make recommendations which will impact further decision making for the child, reports to the Board/Children‘s Court, and the preparation of the ICP.
  • Plan goal oriented counseling sessions for children who need help.
    • Receive referrals from the person-in-charge for children who require constant counseling sessions.
    • The counselor should have planned, goal-oriented sessions with each child once in every week.
    • The counselor should provide inputs on each child being counseled during the monthly Management Committee meeting.
    • The counselor shall inform the matter to the Superintendent/Person-in-charge and Management Committee for an appropriate decision to be taken when he/she is of the view that:
      • the objectives of counselling sessions have been achieved.
      • or that the counselling sessions need to be extended.
      • or that the child is in need of referral to a specialized service.
    • The counselling should inform the Probation Officer/case worker/CWO and in case the child shows symptoms of any psychological ailment/condition and a decision on the next course of action should be taken by the Superintendent/Person-in-charge with the requisite approvals from the Board/Children‘s Court.
      • The family of the child should also be infor med of the same.
  • Record of counselling sessions: The summary and key highlights of each counselling session should be documented in the child‘s case file.
    • The counsellor should give inputs to the Probation Officer/CWO/case worker for each child receiving counsel or as required—periodic reports to the Board/Children‘s Court, while updating the case file, for modification of ICP.
  • Formation and support to groups among children in the CCI:
    • Under supervision of the Superintendent/Person-in-Charge facilitate formation of peer support groups among children for them to support each other and deal with issues in a positive manner.
    • Undertake group therapy sessions with the peer support groups.
    • Provide children with skills and knowledge on how to manage and conduct their group sessions.
    • Ensure that participation in peer support groups should be voluntary for the children in the CCI.
    • Special counseling sessions for repeat offenders, follow up and referral to psychiatrist or mental health specialist if need be.

Educator/Tuition Teacher

  • He shall work under the supervision of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge to ensure that all children in the CCI receive educational inputs:
  • Upon receiving a brief from the Probation Officer/case worker/CWO shall provide inputs and interact with the child if necessary for the component on education which will form part of the ICP.
  • The educator shall work in coordination with the CWO/case worker/Probation Officer to ensure that children in the CCI receive support to begin or continue their education with no disruption. He shall ensure that the children are able to enroll in NIOS and continue/begin their education. Obtain documents from their home to enable them to continue their education.
  • Administer tests to determine at what level of education children are at in order to be able to give them appropriate support.
  • Conduct classes daily, and coordinate with voluntary agencies providing education support services in the CCI to ensure that all children receive educational support such as:
    • Bridge course.
    • Enrolment for open schooling if necessary.
    • Literacy and Non formal education for those children for whom it may not be possible to educate.
    • Supplementary tutions to children who are in formal education and need additional support.

Art, Craft and Activity Teacher

They shall perform their duties under the supervision of Person-in-charge.

Art and craft

The duties of the art, craft and activity teacher is conducting art and craft and other activities for the children in the CCI which may be such as:

  • Divide children in groups based on their age.
  • Ensure that every child in the CCI is allocated a group and receives a minimum of 2 sessions of 2 - hours duration in a week.
  • Conduct sessions in a modular manner with a plan such that:
    • Children learn different styles of art- different periods and art forms, traditional art forms from around the county.
    • They learn history of art and stories of famous artists.
    • They get to participate in projects and are acknowledged for their work.
    • Provide positive feedback and reinforcement to the children through the sessions.
    • Design sessions in such a manner that children find a way to express themselves and also have conversations about themselves through the projects/paintings/craft items they prepare.
    • Use information available on the internet to help with research and development of modules.
  • Liaise with the Superintendent/Person-in-charge such that children who are interested are permitted to participate in government organized art competitions.
  • Under supervision and direction of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge work with volunteers to undertake art and craft projects with the children-e.g. Painting of murals, decorating walls of the institution.
  • Liaise with the Superintendent/Person-in-charge to get materials required for art projects donated/sponsored from the community, department, DCPU or corporate.


  • Under the supervision of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge, he shall ensure that there is adequate supply of books and a system which allows for them to borrow and read books on a regular basis.
  • Liaise with the Superintendent/Person-in-charge, to obtain appropriate books for children to read in the institution.
    • A combination of fiction- literature, thrillers, poetry; non- fiction-biographies, science, art, history etc.
    • Books across all genres should be those which would motivate and inspire children.
    • Books kept in the Library shall be in appropriate languages for children to be able to read.
    • Liaise with the Superintendent/Person-in-charge to ensure that books are sourced from the institution‘s budget or through donations.
    • Train children in the insti tution to help manage the process of borrowing and lending of books.
    • Issue library cards to the children which record the name of the book, date of borrowing and date of return.
    • Find means of incentivizing children who spend time reading.
  • Organize group reading, book reviews and discussions around the books that children have read.
    • Seek help of counselor/CWO/case worker in facilitating discussions.

Audio-visual Entertainment

  • Movies/films: Under the supervision of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge, the teacher should create a list of movies appropriate for screening for the children in the CCI.
    • The list of movies should combine mainstream Bollywood films, regional films, documentary films, sitcoms, serials, historical & patriotic movies, science and geography programs among others.
    • Films could be screened for the children on a regular basis. The teacher in coordination with the Superintendent/Person-in-charge, may seek assistance from the DCPU in sourcing and obtaining films.
    • A schedule for the same may be fit into the daily routine such that each child is able to watch one film a week, in addition to regular television watching time.
    • The teacher may organize discussion and sharing sessions after screening of films.
    • The teacher may take the assistance of the Children‘s Committee for organizing movie screenings and discussions.
  • Music and Karaoke: The teacher may organize music sessions for the children.
    • The teacher may divide children into groups such that each child receives a minimum of 45 minutes of a music session in a week.
    • The teacher may organize singing competitions when the children have free time on Sundays and other national holidays.
    • The teacher in coordination with the Superintendent/Person-in-charge may obtain a Karaoke set for the institution.
    • The teacher in coordination with the Superintendent/Person-in-charge may bring in voluntary music teachers to conduct music sessions with the children.

Store-keeper cum Accountant in a CCI

The store-keeper cum accountant is very important post in a CCI as all the stock of the CCI is maintained by him. The following list represents some of the tasks performed by Store keeper cum accountant under the super vision of the Person in-charge:

  • Maintaining of the stock register of the Institution.
  • Stock taking at the beginning of the month.
  • Maintaining stock of various items required in the institution.
  • Ensure that as and when the stock of a CCI goes below 20 percent of the monthly requirement, the demand is raised accordingly.
  • Compulsory monthly physical verification of the stock.
  • Ensure that every child of the CCI should get the required items/material on time and as laid down under the JJ Model Rules 2016.
  • He is responsible for the smooth and effective functioning of the store.
  • He is responsible for managing the assets of the store. The security and safety of the store is his responsibility.
  • Ensure that all the important stock is kept in lock and key.
  • Ensure that sufficient inventory is available at the store to avoid being out of stock.
  • Managing the store.
  • Maintain the accounts of the institution.
  • Maintain income and expenditure statement of the institution
  • Prepare Utilization Certificate
  • Procure and maintain stock of various items required in the institutions
  • Maintain the salary register and donation register.

Medical Officer

  • The medical officer shall be available in the CCI on call whenever necessary for regular medical checkup and treatment of children.
  • He/she shall conduct the medical examination of children in the CCI:
    • Within 24 hours at the time of admission into the CCI .
    • Ensure that blood sample for routine blood tests Complete Blood Count (CBC), Urine Routine, HIV, VDRL, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C tests and allergy or addiction to drugs are sent at the time of admission of a child into the institution.
    • Within 24 hours before the time of transfer from the institution.
    • On a monthly basis for all children residing in the CCI:
      • Maintain the medical record for each child.
      • Record the height and weight for each child at the time of monthly check-up.
      • Treat, children for illnesses detected.
      • Ensure that any illnesses (mental and physical) that the child suffers from is recorded in the file as also updates on treatment, and improvement/set-backs suffered by the child in relation to a particular illness. Ensure that when treatment is stopped the reasons for the same are also recorded in the file.
      • Refer children to hospitals with approval of Superintendent/Person-in-charge if any major illness, or specialized treatments are necessary.
  • Ensure that immunization program is implemented as per the immunization schedule.
    • Supervise administration of immunization by para-medical staff of the CCI.
    • Supervise administration of immunization by PHC/district hospital staff.
  • Train all paramedical staff, officials of the institution and children‘s committee members on administering first aid.
  • Organize quarterly medical check-ups/camps for the children by specialists in coordination with district hospital, DCPU, PHC, voluntary organizations, corporate, under the supervision of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge including:
    • Ophthalmologists
    • Dentists
    • Dermatologists
    • Psychiatrists
    • Psychologists
  • Under the supervision of the Superintendent, with the help of the DCPU develop and manage a system of referral with the district hospital, charitable health care centres/hospitals, private hospitals (willing to provide services for free).
    • Ensure coordination and follow up of children referred.
    • Liaise with the DCPU for financial and other provisions for children who suffer from chronic ailments and need long term treatment and facilities.
  • Develop a system in the CCI for managing first-aid and treatment of minor illnesses.
    • Ensure that the first-aid kit is fully equipped at all times in accordance with guidelines.
    • Ensure that children being treated for minor illnesses are followed up with and treated till they have recovered.
    • Ensure that medical records also reflect that children have received first aid and treatment for minor ailments.
  • Provide inputs to the kitchen staff via the case worker to ensure that all children who need to be on medical diets are receiving the requirements as per medical advice.
    • Inspect the food which is being served to children on medial diets.
  • Carry out preventive health activities.
    • Organise preventive health programs with children on subjects including personal hygiene, sexual and reproductive health, communicable disease prevention.
    • Ensure preventive actions are taken by the management of the institution to prevent seasonal disease outbreaks such as dengue, malaria, jaundice and others.
    • Ensure segregation of children who have infectious/communicable diseases.
  • Attend to any emergency medical situation for immediate intervention.
  • Conduct/organize pregnancy tests only in the case it is deemed necessary and ordered by the Board/Children‘s Court.

Paramedical staff: Staff Nurse/Nursing Orderly

  • The Staff Nurse/Nursing Orderly must work in shifts on a 24X7 basis.
  • Shall have to assist the medical officer in discharge of his duties.
    • Medical check-ups.
    • Organizing camps.
    • Preventive health programs.
    • Maintenance of records.
    • Administration of medication/immunization.
    • Maintaining the first aid kit
  • Shall receive training on administration of first-aid and treatment of minor ailments.
    • Be accessible to children who have complaints of ill health at times that the medical officer is not available.
    • Provide first-aid and medication to children for minor ailments.
  • Shall accompany the children outside the CCI for medical treatment.
  • Shall under supervision of the medical officer undertake all coordination and activities required for ensuring that the children receive specialized medical treatment outside the CCI.

Sports teacher/Yoga teacher

  • The sports/ yoga teacher shall be available on fixed hours at fixed times daily and shall perform his duties under the supervision of Person-in- charge.
  • She/he must ensure that each child participates in minimum 2 hours of group activities daily.
  • The sports teacher shall under the supervis ion of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge ensure that there is an adequate supply of sports equipment.
  • The sports teacher shall train the children in sports and athletics.
  • The sports teacher shall coordinate and organize volunteers:
    • Undertake training of children in different sports and athletics.
    • Competitive matches and tournaments.

The Rehabilitation cum Placement Officer

Rehabilitation - cum - Placement Officer shall be designated in all Child Care Institutions, including place of safety. The Rehabilitation cum Placement Officer may have a Master‘s degree in Social Work or Human Resource Management and atleast 3years of experience in the field of rehabilitation, employment creation and resource mobilization. He/she shall perform the following functions under the supervision of the Superintendent/Person-in-charge:

  • Identify the skills and aptitude of the children placed in Child Care Institutions through appropriate mechanism and in consultation with the CWO, case worker, Counsellor and Vocational instructor.
  • Identify and develop linkages with all such agencies that offer vocational and training services with job placement at the end of the co urse.
  • Network with persons, 105 corporate, recognized non-governmental organizations and other funding agencies to mobilize resources for sponsoring training program and support for self-employment.
  • Facilitate and coordinate with agencies, individuals, 105corporate, recognized non-governmental organizations and other funding agencies to set up vocational training units / workshops in Child Care Institutions as per age, aptitude, interest and ability.
  • Mobilize voluntary vocational instructors who render services to carry out the training sessions in the Child Care Institutions.
  • Inculcate entrepreneurial skills and facilitate financial and marketing support for self-employment.
  • Prepare rehabilitation plans keeping in mind the nature of the offence and the personal ity traits of the child.
  • Prepare need based and focused intervention plans for the repeat offenders.
  • Maintain the Rehabilitation Card in Form 14 and monitor the progress made by the child on regular basis and submit such progress reports to the Management Committee.
  • Facilitate the child to get certificates on completion of the education or vocational or training courses.
  • Make efforts for ensuring effective placement of each eligible and trained child.
  • Organize workshops on Rehabilitation programmes and services available under Central and State Government Schemes, spread awareness and facilitate access to such schemes and services.
  • Organize workshops on personality development, life skill development, coping skills and stress management and other soft skills to encourage the child to become a productive and responsible citizen. Conduct regular visits to the agencies where the children are placed to monitor their progress and provide any other assistance as may be required.
Source : Living conditions in institutions for children in conflict with law - A manual by Ministry of Women and Child Development

Last Modified : 9/25/2024

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