In Ayurvedic classics, there has been a thorough consideration for seasons, besides the dietetic regimens for days and nights. Whole year is divided into six seasons and detailed dietetic regimen for these seasons is prescribed.
In spring season, bitter, hot and astringent diet is advised while salty, sour and sweet food should be avoided. Wheat, barley, honey syrup, fruits like mango, jack fruit-etc. and meat of forest animals is advised.
In summer season due to hot climate aggravation of pitta occurs. Hence pitta pacifying cold, liquid, sweet and oily diet is advised. Excessive hot, spicy, sour salty diet should be avoided. Intake of rice, milk, ghee, sugar, grapes, coconut water, meat of forest animals are advised.
In rainy season aggravation of vata occurs, hence vata shamaka sweet, sour and salty food and drinks are preferred. The food should be hot, dry, fatty and easily digestible. Preserved rice, wheat, barley and mutton soups are advised. In pre winter and winter season Vatadosha aggravates due to cold, dry, chily atmosphere hence vataghna, pittavardhaka diet is recommended.
Hot, sweet, sour and salty food, milk, sugarcane, rice, oils and fats are advised and in autumn season aggravation of Pitta dosha occurs. Therefore, it is ideal to take ghee processed with bitter drugs; purgation, blood letting, coolant, and light diet are advised. Diets dominant in Bitter, sweet, pungent diets are advised.
Ayurveda prescribes certain rules for maintaining healthy mind. These are principles of right conduct that are applicable to all people at all times and places. Practicing them gives balance and harmony to the mind. These are
Last Modified : 4/22/2021