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Revised Guidelines for pet owners and caregivers to be followed during COVID-19 Pandemic

For pet and stray animals

  1. To avoid any unnecessary contract or interaction of your animals with outside people or animals.
  2. To avoid dog parks or public places where many people and  dogs gather or is present. Also, while allowing the  dog to roam outside, maintain at least 6 feet (2 meters) distance from other people and animals.
  3. In case of cats try to keep it indoors where ever possible.
  4. If the pet owner or care giver is infected with COVID 19 and have pet or feeding  animals in his/ her area, in that case, the  pet owner or care giver shall depute or arrange non infected person to take care of pet and those animals.
  5. Avoid excessive petting, snuggling, kissing or licking and sharing food or bedding with your pet.
  6. The infected pet owner and care giver around the animals shall wear mask and also wash hands before touching and handling those animals and their belongings.
  7. It is recommended to follow all the biosecurity measures such as regular cleaning of the premises with 1% Sodium hypochloride solution, wearing masks while feeding and watering of zoo tigers, cats, lions etc. and regular washing of hands with soap and water.

For animals in farms and other institutes

Entry in the  farm by workers/ caregiver or visitors:

Entry by workers or visitors is the most likely pathway for human -to animal transmission on a farm. It is  necessary that all workers including farm owners shouId monitor thcmselves for signs of  infection  before  entering  the farm. Everyone who develops symptoms should avoid contact with animals, including farmed and companion animals and other farm personnel  and  stay home. A system should be established to identify, monitor, and control individuals entering premises and to prevent the entry of unauthorized individuals. Access to farms should be limited to essential personnel.

The measures to be followed by worker/caregiver or visitors to prevent introduction of Virus in Farm or Institute:

  1. All personnel and workers should stay home if they are  sick or in the event they have been in contact with an individual infected  with SARS-CoV-2, either for an isolation period or testing requirement.
  2. Encourage workers to adhere to use face coverings and other public health recommendations time to time.
  3. Encourage proper hand hygiene and restrict access to the premises and buildings where production animals are kept.
  4. Limit non-production animal access, and implement measures to exclude domestic pets (dogs, cats, others) , rodents, birds, and other wildlife from buildings.
  5. Provide and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) depending on the activity being performed, like working closely with animals including aerosol generating procedures.
  6. Use fences, gates, and other barriers to control access of people and other animals to animal housing.
  7. Increase distance between workers while working in a common area.
  8. Require visitors to park their vehicles in designated areas away from animal housing.
  9. Use signage to advise visitors to remain in their vehicles until farm personnel assist them and provide a phone number that visitors can call for entry instructions.
  10. Maintain a log of all personnel who enter the property (family, workers, visitors, etc.) including the date, contact information, information on previous contact with other animals, and nature of their visit.

Introduction of new animal onto a farm

New animals of species that are of moderate to high risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2, (i.e. mustelids, felids, and racoon dogs) brought to a farm are a potential risk, especially if no surveillance is being done on the origin farm. 

Source : Animal Welfare Board of India

Last Modified : 7/9/2024

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