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Poshan Pakhwada


Every year, Poshan Pakhwada is celebrated in the month of March for 15 days. Similarly, the month of September is celebrated as Rashtriya Poshan Maah, across the country.

The Ministry of Women & Child Development is the nodal Ministry for coordinating activities during the Poshan Pakhwada. In the State/UT, Department of Women & Child Development /Social Welfare Department will be the nodal department for Poshan Pakhwada.

Poshan Abhiyaan, launched during 8th March 2018, has been instrumental in ensuring people’s participation and bringing the discourse on nutrition to the forefront. Poshan Abhiyan was launched with the aim to improve nutritional outcomes in a holistic manner. Behavioral change at individual and community level is an important component to achieve the desired goals of a Kuposhan-mukt Bharat.

Poshan Pakhwada 2024

The Ministry of Women and Child Development celebrates the sixth Poshan Pakhwada from 9th to 23rd March, 2024 with various activities nationwide. The Pakhwada aims to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition and promote healthy eating habits through Jan Andolan and Jan Bhagidari.

The activities during the Poshan Pakhwada will focus on the key themes which include Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi (PBPB)-a path breaking ECCE program to ensure that India has the world’s largest, universal, high-quality pre-school network, Tradition and Local dietary practices focused sensitization around nutrition and Health of Pregnant Women & IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices). In addition to the above themes, States/UTs are to take up any additional focus areas where the  Ministry has been actively supporting important campaigns

The Poshan Maah and Pakhwada celebrated so far have witnessed wide participation and enthusiasm from all States/UTs, frontline functionaries, converging Ministries as well as public at large. 

Source : Ministry of Women and Child Development

Last Modified : 9/5/2024

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