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World Consumer Rights Day

World Consumer Rights Day

Every year 15th March is celebrated as the World Consumer Rights Day.

World Consumer Rights Day was inspired by President John F Kennedy, who sent a special message to the US Congress on 15th March 1962, in which he formally addressed the issue of consumer rights. He was the first world leader to do so. The consumer movement first marked that date in 1983 and now uses the day every year to mobilise action on important issues and campaigns.


World Consumer Rights Day is an annual international event that signifies celebration and solidarity in the international consumer movement, demanding that, consumer rights are to be respected and protected. The event also gives a chance to protest against the market abuses and social injustices which undermine those rights.

Theme for 2024

Each year, World Consumer Rights Day adopts a theme to highlight. This year the theme promoted is "Fair and responsible AI for consumers.".

Last year, breakthroughs in generative AI took the digital world by storm. Its adoption by consumers has grown rapidly, and the technology is set to have an enormous impact, in the way we work, create, communicate, gather information and much more.

There is real opportunity here. Used properly, generative AI could enhance consumer care and improve channels of redress. However, it will also have serious implications for consumer safety and digital fairness. With developments taking place at breakneck speed, we must move quickly to ensure a fair and responsible AI future.

This year, World Consumer Rights Day will highlight concerns like misinformation, privacy violations, and discriminatory practices, as well as how AI-driven platforms can spread false information and perpetuate biases.

Source : Consumers International

Last Modified : 6/7/2024

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