Rainfed Agriculture Types and Classification Based on Rainfall
Rainfed Agriculture and Its Classification
Rainfed agriculture is a type of farming where crops are grown solely on rainwater without any additional irrigation, the sole source of water in this type of farming is rainwater.
Rainfed agriculture relies solely on rainwater for crop production, and its classification is primarily based on the annual rainfall received. Three distinct types are identified, each offering varying crop growing periods and challenges.
- Dry farming: Areas that receive rainfall less than 750mm, are under this category, as the water received is very less we get less than 75 days of crop growing period. these regions are prone to frequent dry spells which results is low yeild .
- Dry land farming : these are the area where rainfall lies between 750mm to 1150mm, here crop growing period is between 75days to 120 days. dry spells are not that frequent.
- Rainfed farming: Areas which receives rainfall more than 1150mm per year are under this category, here crop growing period is more than 120 days, farmers can go for multiple cropping in this type of rainfed agriculture which is not possible for previously mentioned farming.
Last Modified : 9/22/2024
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