Dull green, yellowish, smaller leaves, die back of twigs, thin and bushy appearance of tops with sparse bloom are some of the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency. Deficiency is expressed by light green to yellow foliage over the entire tree. With mild deficiency, foliage will be light green progressing to yellow as conditions intensify. New growth usually emerges pale green in colour, but darkens as foliage expands and hardens. With yellow vein chlorosis, the midribs and lateral veins turn yellow while the rest of the leaf remains a normal green colour.
Correction measure: Foliar sprays urea @ 2% at 15 days interval.
The deficiency symptoms of Potassium are
Correction measure: Foliar spray of KNO3 2% at fortnightly interval. Application of 200g N, 100g P2O5 and 200g K2O / tree/year.
Deficiency symptoms include
Correction measure: Foliar spray of borax @ 0.5%
Deficiency symptoms include reduced growth and dark green colour of leaves, twin led malformed leaves, new leaves shrivelled and bushy growth
Correction measure: Foliar spray of CuSO4 each 0.5% at fortnightly interval.
Thin leaves with interregnal choruses in young leaves. Green tinge at the base of mid rib. Leaf size reduced. Later the leaves become pale or whitish and shed. Die back symptom older leaves remain green, fruits hand, coarse light coloured.
Correction measure: Foliar spray of FeSO4 @ 0.5% twice at fortnight interval.
Fine network of green veins as a light green background on young leaves. Leaf remains fairly green. Dark green irregular bands on mature leaves along the midrib. White spots develop in interregnal area with die back symptom.
Correction measure: Foliar spray of 0.5% MnSO4 at fortnightly interval.
Symptoms include - Irregular and chlorite leaf spots, mottled leaf, small leaves and severe dieback of twigs. The area near midrib and lateral veins remain green. Terminal twigs have narrow small erect leaves. Small, thin skinned fruits.
Correction measure: Foliar spray 2% ZnSO4 with 1% lime at fortnightly interval.
To know the IPM practices for Citrus, click here.
Source: NIPHM and Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage
Last Modified : 2/15/2020
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