Seedling wilt
Disease symptom:
- Seedling wilt is observed mainly in nurseries and causes 5 to 40% death of seedlings.
- Leaves of affected seedlings loose natural luster, tend to droop and ultimately die.
- The root system and collar region of the seedling show varying degrees of discolouration and decay.
Survival and spread:
- The fungus is soil-borne and remains in the soil as saprophyte for 2-3 years.
- The secondary spread is aided by wind, rain and irrigation water.
Favourable conditions:
- High day temperature (30-35˚C).
- Low humidity (50-60%).
- Low soil moisture and alkaline soils
Leaf rot:
Disease symptom:
- It is noticed in the nurseries as well as in the main field both at young and mature stages.
- Infection starts as dark spots at the leaf margin and spreads sometimes with no definite pattern.
- Rotting may be in the whole leaf or at the tip resulting in defoliation.
Favourable conditions:
- The fungus survives on diseased twigs and mummified fruits, either on the tree or on the ground.
- The fungul spores are air-borne and are also spread by rain splash and insects. Moderate temperatures and moist weather during bloom favour the disease
Disease symptom:
- Necrotic spots of variable size and shapes are noticed on the leaves.
- Severely affected leaves wither, droop and dry up.
- Twigs are infected as the symptoms extend from the leaves through petioles.
- The affected branches stand without leaves or only with young leaves at tips.
- Flower buds are attacked by spreading infection from the twigs.
- Shedding of flower buds occurs during periods of heavy and continuous rainfall.
Favourable conditions:
- The fungus survives on diseased twigs and mummified fruits, either on the tree or on the ground.
- The fungus spores are air-borne and also spread by rain splash.
- Moderate temperatures and moist weather during bloom favour twig blight.
IPM for Clove
To know the IPM practices for Clove, click here.
Source: NIPHM and Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage
Last Modified : 3/6/2020
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