Beeswax is the material that bees use to build their nests. It is produced by young honeybees that secrete it as a liquid from special wax glands. Worker bees secrete wax when they are 14 to 18 days old. On contact with air, the wax hardens and forms scales, which appear as small flakes of wax on the underside of the bee. About one million wax scales make 1 kg of wax. Bees use the wax to build the well-known hexagonal cells that make up their comb, a very strong and efficient structure. Bees use the comb cells to store honey and pollen; the queen lays her eggs in them, and young bees develop in them. Beeswax is produced by all species of honeybees, although the waxes produced by different species have slightly different chemical and physical properties.
Composition and Properties
Beewax is obtained from the cappings collected during honey extraction. Wax is obtained from old combs that are unfit for use and from combs damaged during honey extraction. Best grade wax is obtained from cappings where the recovery per cent is higher. In India, major proportion of wax is from combs of Apis dorsata.
It is used in the manufacture of very many items of cosmetics like beauty lotions and creams, lipsticks, ointments, and pomades and of polishes for boots, floor and furniture, of lubricants, paint and varnishes, inks, electrical insulating apparatus and candles.
Tools and Equipments
How to collect Propolis?
How to store collected Propolis?
Facts to note
The royal jelly has proven record of health and medicinal benefits Royal Jelly is a popular commercial product.
In China, Taiwan, Korea it has traditionally used for treatment of human ailments.
As the name goes. Bee Sting is a sting from a bee. Honey bees will actively seek out and sting when they sense the hive to be threatened, attacked or quick body movements near the hive. Other worker bees gets the alert by the release of pheromones, which attracts all the guard bees to attack.
A honey bee that is away from the hive foraging for nectar or pollen will rarely sting, except when stepped on or roughly handled.
Only Queen and Worker bees have sting, drones do not have sting. Worker bees dies after sting, therefore always try to stay calm and relaxed while inspecting bee-colonies.
From the stings Bee venom is made. This is the poison that makes bee stings painful.
What to do when Honey-bee stings you?
Venom itself defines that the honeybees use this when they are at risk of an invader’s attack. Sting of worker bee is attached to a poison sac where venom is stored. Newly emerged bee is unable to sting because she cannot insert the sting which is not fully chitinized. Also, little amount of venom is stored in the venom sac. A bee, when two weeks old has maximum venom in her poison sac.
Bee venom contains histamine, apamine, acithinase, hydrochloric acid, formic acid, orthophosporic acid, sulphur, calcium, copper and magnesium sulphate
Bee venom is commercially obtained by the use of electric shock. An electric current is passed through copper wires at 12 volts. The bees get shock, irritated and release venom by inserting the sting into a thin nylon cloth below the copper wires. Venom is deposited on a glass plate placed below the nylon sheet. The venom on drying is scrapped from the glass plate. One Mellifera colony yields about 50mg of venom.
Pollen is a male reproductive substance of the flower that honeybees carry while collecting the nectar from the flowers. This way Honeybees play a significant role in the pollination of crops across the world. It is collected by pollen trap from ingoing pollen foragers. Pollen is a rich protein source for human diet.
In addition to providing man with very valuable materials as honey and beeswax, the honeybees are also useful to him in aiding in pollination of many of his crops. In fact, it has been claimed that the value of bees in pollination of crops is ten to twenty times the value of honey and wax they produce. Certain crops
like apples, alfalfa and clover almost entirely depend upon bees for their pollination. Even among some regularly self-pollinated crops, the yield is considerably increased after visit of bees.
Last Modified : 5/18/2023
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