Types of riverine fishes
Fishes occurring in Indian riverine are grouped into resident species, local migrants and long distant migrants species from migratory habits
Resident species
- Fish species that prefer to remain confined within the local territories.
- This type includes Cyprinus carpio, Notopterus spp., Channa spp., Mastacembelus spp., Garra spp, Osteobrama spp, Puntius spp, Labeo spp, Cirrhinus spp, Mystus spp, Clupisoma spp, etc.
Cyprinus carpio Notopterus notopterus
Caecomasta moori Channa striata
Cirrhinus cirrhosus Clupisoma garua
Garra spilota Labeo rohita
Mystus bimaculatus Osteobrama belangeri
Puntius chola
Local migrants
- Fish species that perform seasonal migrations within short distances for feeding, breeding and others habits.
- This type comprises of mahseer, Indian Major Carps, large and medium sized catfishes (like Bagarius bagarius), Salmons, and Trouts.
Bagarius bagarius Brown trout
Golden mahseer IMC
Indian Salmon Eleutheronema tetradactylum
Long distant migrants
- Fish species that perform regular annual migrations for feeding or spawning or both.
- This type consists of
- Indian shad (Hilsa ilisha) - an anadromous fish,
- Freshwater eel (Anguilla spp.) - a catadromous fish and
- Catfish (Pangasius pangasius) - migrate from river to estuary).
Anguilla spp Pangasius pangasius
Tenualosa ilisha
Last Modified : 6/27/2024
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