The use of abbreviations in prescriptions is very common. Understanding abbreviations in prescriptions reduce medication errors. Illegible writing, misreading, shortcuts written by the prescribers and poor knowledge of users are common problems.
Inappropriate abbreviations in prescriptions lead to wrong medication therefore it is essential to educate health care professionals while administering medication.
Some common abbreviations used in Veterinary prescriptions are listed below.
Rx is a formal communication from a physician to a pharmacist. It comes from the Latin word meaning ‘recipe’ used in medicine or pharmacy.
aa - of each
a - before
ad lib - free choice
admov. - apply
alt. h. - every other hour
amp - ampule
amt - amount
aq - water, aqueous
bid - twice daily
bis - twice
c - with
cap - capsule
cf - with food
comp - compound
cr./crm - cream
D.W. - Distilled water
dil. - dilute
disp. - dispense
div. - divide
dos - dose
eq. pts - equal parts
fl./fld. - fluid
g - gram
h - hour
I.Ma - Intramammary
I.U - intrauterine
I/M - intramuscular
I/V - intravenous
ID - intradermal
Imp - implantation
Inj. - injection
IP - intraperitoneal
IVP - intravenous push
lb - pound (450gm)
lid. - three times daily
lin - liniment
lot - lotion
M- mix
m/min - minimum
mEq - milliequivalent
mL - millilitre
N.M.T. - not more than
nebul - a spray
no - number
Noct. - at night
O.D - Oral daily
O.D.W- Oral drinking water
O.T- Oral tablets
Oz - ounce (28.33 gm)
p.v - powder
q.a.d. - every other day
q.a.m. - every day before noon
q.d.s. - four times a day
q.p.m. - every day after noon
q.s - as much needed
qid - four times daily
S/C - subcutaneous
Sid - once daily
soln - solution
ss - half
State - immediately
supp - suppository
susp - suspension
syr - syrup
T.A - Tropical application
Tab - tablet
tbs - table spoonful
tsp - tea spoonful
V/V - volume by volume
w/o - without
W/V - weight by volume
wk - week
X - times
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Last Modified : 7/8/2023