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Agricultural Mechanization for in-situ Management of Crop Residues

Agricultural Mechanization for in-situ Management of Crop Residues

A special scheme to support the efforts of the Governments of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi to address air pollution and to subsidize machinery required for in-situ management of crop residue for the period 2018-19 to 2019-20 has been approved. It has been further extended with revised guidelines during 2022.

The scheme is a Central Sector Scheme (100% Central share) being implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.

Components of the Scheme

  • Establish Farm Machinery Banks for Custom Hiring of in-situ crop residue management machinery. Financial assistance @80% of the project cost will be provided to the cooperative societies of the farmers, FPOs, Self Help Groups, Registered Farmers Societies/ Farmers Group, Private Entrepreneurs, Group of Women Farmers. The financial assistance for establishment of Custom Hiring Centre will be limited to the maximum project cost of Rs 75.00 lakhs out of which the in-situ crop residue management implements component cost would be at least 35% of the project cost. The remaining other 65% project cost may include other machinery and equipment for crop production for which financial assistance will be available as per the pattern of assistance under Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanization i.e. @ 40% of the project cost.
  • Financial Assistance to the farmers for Procurement of Agriculture Machinery and Equipment for in-situ crop residue management. Financial assistance @50% of the machinery/ equipment will be provided to individual farmer for crop residue management.
  • Information, Education and Communication for awareness on in-situ crop residue management. Financial assistance will be provided to the State Government/ KVKs, ICAR Institutes, Central Government Institutes, PSUs, etc. for the activities to be undertaken towards information, education and communication. The activities will involve mass awareness campaigns through short and long films, documents, radio and TV programmes, demonstration camps at various levels, capacity building programme, advertisement in print media, star campaigning, award for Village/ Gram Panchayat for achieving Zero Straw Burning, panel discussions on Doordarshan, DD Kisan and other private channels, etc.

Beneficiaries and their identification

  • Farmers, Co-operative Societies of farmers, FPOs, Panchayats
  • Respective State Governments through District Level Executive Committee (DLEC) will identify various beneficiaries and location-specific agricultural equipment depending on the farming system and will identify and select beneficiaries for establishment of Farm Machinery Bank for Custom Hiring and procurement of machines on individual ownership basis to avail the benefit in transparent and time bound manner.
  • The State Nodal Department / DLEC may tie up with the Banks for credit requirements of the beneficiaries. Name and details of selected beneficiaries will be documented at district level indicating Aadhar/UID numbers and the financial assistance will be paid through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

Implementing Agencies

  • At the Central level the scheme will be administered by Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare.
  • A National Steering Committee headed by Secretary, DAC&FW will formulate the policy and give overall directions and guidance to the implementation of the scheme by the State Government and will monitor and review its progress and performance.
  • Executive Committee chaired by Additional Secretary will oversee the activities of the scheme.
  • At the State level the nodal implementing agency will be the Department of Agriculture of the concerned State Government. State Level Executive Committee (SLEC) chaired by Principle Secretary (Agriculture)/ Agriculture Production Commissioner shall oversee the implementation of the scheme in their State through regular meeting and will provide inputs to Executive Committee for appropriate policy formulation. The SLEC shall ensure that no crop residue burning takes place in the farmer field.
  • The District Level Executive Committee shall be responsible for carrying forward the objectives of the scheme for project formulation, implementation and monitoring in the districts and will constitute Surveillance Committees involving farmers group / progressive farmers to mobilize farmers for not burning the crop residue and will also ensure active participation of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
  • The DAC&FW will empanel the manufacturer of machines and equipment, identified for in-situ management of crop residue alongwith their costs.

To access the complete revised scheme guidelines, click here.

Source : Department of Agriculture , Cooperation and Farmers Welfare

Last Modified : 7/2/2024

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