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Key stakholders of MGNREGS

Key stakeholders under MGNREGS

  • Wage seekers
  • Gram Sabha (GS)
  • Three-tier Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)
  • Programme Officer (PO) at the Block level
  • District Programme Coordinator (DPC)
  • State Government
  • Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)
  • Civil Society
  • Other stakeholders [viz. line departments, convergence departments, Self-Help Groups (SHGs), etc.]

Rights and Entitlements of wage-seekers

  • Application for registration
  • Obtaining a Job Card (JC)
  • Application for work and to obtain a dated receipt for the application made
  • Choice of time and duration of the work applied for
  • Getting work within fifteen days of application or from the date when work is sought in the case of an advance application, whichever is later
  • Facilities of crèche, drinking water, first aid etc., on the work site.
  • Right to get 10 per cent extra wage in case of employment provided beyond 5 km of radius.
  • Right to check their Muster Rolls (MRs) and to get all the information regarding their employment entered in their JCs.
  • According to Section 3(3) of MGNREGA, workers are entitled to payment on a weekly basis, and in any case within a fortnight of the date on which work was done.
  • Right to get unemployment allowance; in case employment is not provided within fifteen days of submitting the application or from the date when work is sought in the case of an advance application, whichever is later.
  • Right to receive payment of compensation for the delay, at the rate of 0.05 per cent of the unpaid wages per day beyond the sixteenth day of closure of muster roll.
  • Medical treatment in case of injury in the course of employment including cost of hospitalisation if required and ex gratia payment in case of disability or death in the course of employment.

Role of Gram Sabha

  • It determines the order of priority of works in the meetings of the Gram Sabha keeping in view
  • potential of the local area, its needs, local resources (Para 4 (2), Schedule I)
  • Monitor the execution of works within the GP.
  • It is the primary forum for conduct of social audits. It provides a platform to all residents to seek and obtain all relevant information from all the Implementing Agencies including GP in relation to MGNREGA works implemented in the GP area.

Roles of Gram Panchayat

  • Receiving applications for registration
  • Verifying registration applications
  • Registering households
  • Issuing Job Cards (JCs)
  • Receiving applications for work
  • Issuing dated receipts for these applications for work
  • Allotting work within fifteen days of submitting the application or from the date when work is sought in the case of an advance application, whichever is later, irrespective of the implementing agency
  • Conducting periodical surveys to assess demand for work
  • Identification and planning of works, developing shelf of projects including determination of the order of their priority. Forward the list of works to Programme Officer for scrutiny and preliminary approval
  • Executing works that shall meet the required technical standards and measurements
  • Maintaining records as specified in the MGNREGA Operational Guidelines, 2013
  • Maintaining accounts and providing utilisation certificates in formats prescribed by Central/State Government.
  • Prepare annually a report containing the facts and figures and achievements relating to the implementation of the Scheme within its jurisdiction and, copy of the same to be made available to the public on demand and on payment of such fee as may be specified in the Scheme
  • Awareness generation and social mobilisation.
  • Convening the GS for planning and social audit
  • Make available all relevant documents including the Muster Rolls, bills, vouchers, measurement books, copies of sanction orders and other connected books of account and papers to the GS for the purpose of conducting the social audit
  • Monitoring implementation at the village level
  • Pro-actively disclosing -Details of works both completed and on-going (including wages paid and material component) at worksites and names of persons (with JC numbers) who have worked, days worked for and wages paid, quantity and price of materials purchased for each project along with name of agency supplying the material at GP offices and other prominent public places
  • Providing all information specified in Audit of Schemes Rules to the Social Audit Unit.
  • Organise Rozgar Diwas at every ward and Gram Panchayat level at least once a month.

Roles and Responsibilities of PO

  • Consolidating, after scrutiny, all project proposals received from GPs into the Block Plan and submitting it to the District Panchayat for scrutiny and consolidation
  • Matching employment opportunities arising from works within the Block Plan with the demand for work at each GP in the Block
  • Ensuring baseline surveys to assess work demand
  • Monitoring and supervising implementation of works taken up by GPs and other implementing agencies within the Block
  • Ensuring prompt and fair payment of wages to all labourers and payment of unemployment allowance in case employment is not provided on time
  • Maintaining proper accounts of the resources received, released and utilised
  • Redressing grievances within the Block. The PO shall enter every complaint in a complaint register and issue dated and numbered acknowledgement. Complaints that fall within the jurisdiction of the PO, including any complaints concerning the implementation of the Act by a GP shall be disposed of by the PO within 7 days, as prescribed under Section 23(6) of the Act. In case a complaint relates to a matter to be resolved by any other authority, the PO shall conduct a preliminary enquiry and refer the matter to such authority within seven days under intimation to the complainant Ensuring conduct of social audits and following up on required actions
  • Ensuring all the required information and records of all implementing agencies such as JC register, employment register, work register, GS resolution, copies of the sanctions (administrative or technical or financial), work estimates, work commencement order, Muster Roll issue and receipt register, Muster Rolls, wage payment acquaintance, materials – bills and vouchers (for each work), measurement books (for each work), asset register, action taken report on previous social audits, grievance or complaints register
  • Ensuring any other documents that the Social Audit Unit (SAU) requires to conduct the social audit processes are properly collated in the requisite formats; and provided along with photocopies to the SAU for facilitating conduct of social audit at least fifteen days in advance of the scheduled date of meeting of the GS
  • Setting up Cluster-Level Facilitation Teams (CFTs) to provide technical support to GPs within each Cluster of GPs where the CFTs are not established in convergence with National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) as per the convergence project of MGNREGA with NRLM
  • Facilitating technical support to Gram Panchayats by CFTs
  • Liaison with banks and post offices in opening up of new accounts and making regular and timely payments to labour. Liaison between GPs and block as also between block and district for all correspondence and communication
  • Organise formal monthly meetings with civil society organisations (CSOs) involved in facilitating MGNREGS implementation in the block

Functions of Intermediate Panchayat in MGNREGS

  • Approve the works with the expected outcomes to be executed by Intermediate Panchayat;
  • Approve the block level plan for forwarding it to the district Panchayat at the district level for final approval;
  • Supervise and monitor the projects taken up at the Gram Panchayat and block level;
  • Carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it by the State Council, from time to time;
  • Where Part IX of the Constitution does not apply, local councils/authorities as mandated by the State concerned, will be vested with these responsibilities.

Functions of DPC in MGNREGS

  • Assist the DP in discharging its functions
  • Receive the Block Panchayat plans and consolidate them along with project proposals received from other implementing agencies for inclusion in the District Plan for approval by the DPs
  • Accord timely sanction to shelf of projects
  • Ensure that any new projects added at block and district level are presented again for ratification and fixing priority by concerned GS(s) before administrative sanction is accorded to them.
  • Ensure timely release and utilisation of funds
  • Ensure that wage-seekers are provided with work as per their entitlements under this Act.
  • Review, monitor and supervise the performance of the POs and all implementing agencies in relation to MGNREGA works
  • Conduct and cause to be conducted periodic inspection of the works in progress and verification of Muster Rolls
  • Ensure that First Information Report (FIR) is filed in every case in which there is prima facie,evidence of misutilisation of funds
  • Appoint Project Implementation Agencies (PIAs) throughout the district, keeping in mind that for at least 50 per cent of value of works, the PIAs need to be GPs
  • Coordinate an Information Education and Communication (IEC) campaign for MGNREGA within the district
  • Develop annual plans for training and capacity building of various stakeholders within the district
  • Submit periodic progress and updates to the State Government
  • Ensure that social audits are conducted in all GPs once in six months and ensure follow-up action on social audit reports
  • Ensure that all transactions including issue of JCs, recording of applications for work, allocation of work, generation of wage slips and Fund Transfer Orders (FTOs), entries relating to work performed, delayed payment of wages, and unemployment allowance are made through NREGASoft only
  • Ensure that all entries relating to works such as details of the shelf of works, GPS coordinates, status of implementation, photographs of works at three different stages are entered in NREGASoft at every required stage. Information regarding completion of work should be entered in as soon as possible but in any case no later than two months from the time of physical completion
  • Ensure that all funds received by Implementing Agencies and district level authorities including Panchayats are posted in NREGASoft no later than two days of receipt of such funds
  • Ensure that all required entries in NREGASoft are made by all concerned officials including the line departments, in the district

Responsibilities of District Panchayat under MGNREGA

  • Approving the works with the expected outcomes to be executed by District Panchayat.
  • Consolidation of Annual Block Plans (within the district) into a District Plan
  • Monitoring and supervision of the MGNREG Scheme in the district
  • Carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it by the State Council, from time to time.

Roles of State Employment Guarantee Council (SEGC)

  • Advise the State Government on the implementation of the Scheme
  • Review the monitoring and redressal mechanisms and suggest improvements
  • Evaluate and monitor the Scheme within the State
  • Recommend the proposals of works to be submitted to the Central Government under para 4(IV)(ix), Schedule I of the Act
  • Promote widest possible dissemination of information about this Act and the Schemes therein
  • Prepare the annual report to be laid before the State Legislature by the State Governments

Responsibilities of State Government in MGNREGS

  • Frame Rules on matters pertaining to State responsibilities under Section 32 of the Act ii) Develop and notify the Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme for the State
  • Set up the SEGC
  • Set up a State level MGNREGS implementation agency/ mission with adequate number of high calibre professionals
  • Set up a State level MGNREGS social audit agency/directorate with adequate number of people with knowledge on MGNREGA processes and demonstrated commitment to social audit
  • Establish and operate a State Employment Guarantee Fund (SEGF)
  • Ensure that the State share of the MGNREGS budget is provisioned for and released into the SEGF in the beginning of the financial year so that it can be used as a revolving fund
  • Ensure that full time dedicated personnel, wherever required, are in place for implementing MGNREGA, specially the Employment Guarantee Assistant (Gram Rozgar Sahayak), the PO and the staff at State, district, cluster and GP level
  • Delegate financial and administrative powers to the DPC and the Programme Officer, as is deemed necessary for the effective implementation of the Scheme
  • Establish a network of professional agencies for training, technical support and for quality-control measures
  • Regular review, research, monitoring and evaluation of MGNREGS processes and outcomes
  • Ensure accountability and transparency in the Scheme at all levels
  • Generate widest possible awareness about MGNREGA across the State
  • Ensure that civil society organisations involved in mobilising MGNREGA workers are able to formally meet State, district and block level officials in a formal setting at least once a month
  • Ensure compliance with all processes laid down in Act, Rules and guidelines.

Roles and responsibilities of Central Employment Guarantee Council (CEGC)

  • Establish a central evaluation and monitoring system
  • Advise the Central Government on all matters concerning the implementation of the Act
  • Review the monitoring and redressal mechanism from time to time and recommend improvements required
  • Promote the widest possible dissemination of information about the Schemes
  • Monitoring the implementation of this Act
  • Preparation of annual reports to be laid before Parliament by the Central Government on the implementation of this Act.

Roles & Responsibilities of the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD)

  • Frame Rules under the Act
  • Issue Operational Guidelines for the effective implementation of the Act
  • Review list of permissible works under MGNREGA in response to demands of State Governments
  • Constitute the CEGC and organise meetings of the council.
  • Set up and operate National Employment Guarantee Fund
  • Set up National Management Team (NMT) within the Department of Rural Development to perform the national level functions under MGNREGA
  • Make budgetary allocation and ensure timely release of Central share
  • Maintain and operate the MIS to capture and track data on critical aspects of implementation,and assess the utilisation of resources through a set of performance indicators
  • Support and facilitate use of Information Technology (IT) to increase the efficiency and transparency in implementation of the Act
  • Facilitate technical support and capacity building to improve outcomes
  • Support innovations that help in improving processes towards the achievement of the objectives of the Act
  • Monitor, evaluate and conduct research on the performance of MGNREGA
  • Empanel agencies that can be used by State Governments as PIAs for implementation of MGNREGA works and determine the percentage value of funding that can be given to them to meet their administrative costs.

Roles of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) & Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in MGNREGS

The CSOs working at the grassroots can play a very significant role in awareness generation among wage-seekers and in supporting and building capacities of GPs and State Governments in planning, implementation and social audit of MGNREGA. The SHGs can play a direct role in spreading awareness, organising work, accessing entitlements, assistance in door to door survey and ensuring social accountability. The MGNREGA Operational Guidelines provide the framework for engagement of CSOs, support in the operationalisation of CFT project in convergence with NRLM.

Other stakeholders in MGNREGS

Other important stakeholders include: Members of Social Audit Unit, Vigilance and Monitoring Committees, Technical Staff of implementing agencies, Departments with whom MoU has been signed for convergence with MGNREGA, viz, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Ministry of Forest & Environment, Ministry of Water Resources, Department of Rural Development, Department of Land Resources and Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and Departments which stand to benefit from MGNREGA like Agriculture, Water Resources/Irrigation, Forest etc.

Source : FAQs of MGNREGA operational guidelines - 2013

Last Modified : 6/19/2024

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