“Program Aims: To include library as an integral part of schooling and enhance higher order skills among school children through demonstrating various activities”
Library strengthening program is being implemented in 100 Govt. Higher Primary Schools of Yadgir block. The program is implemented in intensive approach in 40 schools whereas 60 schools have extensive libraries. The intensive libraries are managed by library facilitators provided by the program, while the extensive libraries are managed by school teachers.
In each of the 40 intensive schools, Library facilitators provided under the program conduct library classes for children from 4th to 7th grades. Capacity building for library educators is provided for building library perspectives and for introducing library activities to be carried out in library classes.
37 out of 40 intensive libraries have exclusive library rooms allotted by School authorities and the library classes have been integrated in regular school time table. In all 40 intensive schools, a collection of more than 300 books which are age appropriate and drawn from suitable genres is provided. Furniture like book racks, reading tables and mats are provided. Each school has Library wall painted to create an enabling reading environment.
The library facilitators in all the schools have conducted library activities like read aloud, book talk, I spy and various extension activities. Around 5500 children from 4th to 7th grades in these 40 intensive schools and around 8500 children from 60 extensive schools are being benefitted from the program.
Classification of Books: The books distributed under this library program, which was systematically bifurcated and made available to all children with age and grade specific.
Library engagement activities to enhance higher order thinking skills among school going children: Teacher’s and library educators organize regularly library session in all selected schools. Hence, library sessions has been included in regular school time table and conduct various activities; such as read aloud, book talk, storytelling, discussion on read aloud etc. Based on these sessions children were asked to do various activities which provides them to express themselves and involve creative, imaginary, free writing, shared reading, role play, painting, craft activities. Along with above activities the followed activities have been conduct after each sessions:
Under this program, a tablet has been distributed to each library educators. Through Tablet regular books distribution and number of children attending the library sessions has been documented.
Source : India Knowledge Hub
Last Modified : 9/14/2023
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