Resume Writing
The most important thing while applying for a job is your Resume. It doesn't matter how qualified or experienced you are, if the skills you posses or your experience and achievements you had are poorly presented, then you are going to have trouble in getting the job you want.
Format of Resume
The following guidelines could be followed while writing a resume:
- Text Format : The first thing that catches the attention of a employer is the size of the text and its font. Usually its best to keep a font size of 11 or 12 and, the font prefered is Times New Roman, Calibri and Arial.
- Margins: Your page should have one inch margins with 1.5 or 2 point line spacing. The body of your resume will be aligned to the left and your header should be centered at the top of your page.
- Heading : You should give all of your contact information including your name, address, email, and phone number. Your name should be in a slightly larger size - either 14 or 16 point font.
Order in writing a Resume
The following is the order to write a simple resume
- Provide your education details.
- List all your awards and achievements.
- List your key skills in your area of specialization.
- List your employment history.
- List your extra curricular and volunteer activities.
- At last, write your declaration with your name and date.
Source: Sneha T
Last Modified : 12/12/2023
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