Chemical Waste Disposal- DOs, DON'Ts
- DO determine if your waste is hazardous: Is it an Ignitable, Corrosive, Reactive, Toxic or a listed waste?
- DO select a chemical waste accumulation area that is out of the way of normal activities easily identifiable and safely accessible.
- DO label each waste container with "Hazardous Waste" and the specific names of the waste constituents.
- DO store waste in compatible containers with an unbroken screw-top lid.
- Do keep containers of waste closed except when waste is being added to them.
- DO segregate halogenated and non-halogenated solvents.
- DO store all chemical waste within secondary containment can be a lab tray or a dishpan. It just needs to hold the contents of the largest container in case of breakage or accident. Provide secondary containment for incompatible materials.
- DO keep container exteriors free from contamination. Wipe down container if necessary.
- DO NOT pour chemicals or solvents down the drain.
- DO NOT evaporate chemical wastes in a fume hood.
- DO NOT abandon chemicals in the laboratory.
- DO NOT mix various waste chemicals indiscriminately,
- DO NOT throw chemicals into trash containers until you determine if waste is non-hazardous.
- DO NOT accumulate chemical wastes for any extended period of time. A chemical waste disposal form should be completed when a container is 95% full. A container not yet full should not be held for more than 9 months.
Source: National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Last Modified : 2/12/2020
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