Single Stream Recycling
Dos |
Don’ts |
How Tos |
- Plastics
- Steel and aluminum cans
- Aluminum foil
- Glass bottles
- Aseptic containers (eg, milk container)
- Waxed cartons
- Brown paper bags
- Catalogues, brochures
- Cereal boxes
- Manila envelopes
- Hanging file folders
- Newspaper
- Phone books
- Shredded paper
- Pizza-boxes
- Napkins
- Plastic coated papers
- Candy wrappers
- Frozen food boxes
- Wax coated cups
- Plastic bags
- Styrofoam
- No Food Residue
- Empty and wipe food containers clean
- No need to remove staples, clips or tape before recycling
- Use desk-side or halway bins
- Shred paper files with sensitive data
Technocycle, E waste, Batteries and Light Bulbs
- Toner cartridges
- Technocycle:
- CDs, VHS tapes
- External drives, cables
- Floppy disks, Zip disks
- Mice, keyboards
- PDAs, phones, Blackberries
- eWaste:
- Fax Machines, Copiers
- Laptops, Printers
- Microwaves
- Televisions, Stereos
- VCRs,DVD players
- Batteries:
- Light Bulbs:
- All light bulbs that contain mercury, fluorescent, CFL), and Ultra violet(UV)
- Do not abandon electronics
- Incadescent and Light emitting Diodes (LED) light bulbs (contain no mercury)
- State and federal laws prohibit the disposal of mercury containing light bulbs and batteries in the trash
- Erase data from your hard drive and deactivate hardware' before recycling them
Cardboard, Packaging Materials and Plastic Bags
- Comugated and un-corrugated cardboard boxes
- Large Chip board
- Paper board boxes
- Plastic bags, shrink wrap,
- Bubble wrap, and clean plastic wrap
- Wax-coated boxes
- Frozen food boxes
- Boxes that have been soaked by food waste
- "Styrofoam shipping products—packing peanuts may be mailed to "Mail Services Packing Peanuts Reuse Program. ww15"
- Flatten boxes and put with daily recycling
- Plastic bags, shrink wrap, bubble wrap, and dean plastic wrap can be placed in plastic bag bins or mailed to Plastic Bags, NW62"
Lab Specific
- Clean aluminum foil
- Glass and plastic Chemical bottels
- Metal cans used in shipping
- Pipette tip boxes and components(#1 thru 7)
- Cardboard
- White goods (refrigerators, air conditioners, large pieces of lab equipment
- All light bulbs that contain mercury: Fluorescent, Compact Flucrescent (CFL), and Ultraviolet (UV)
- Pyrex, ceramic items and broken glass
- Icepacks—contact vendor about their take-back programme
- "Pipette tip boxes and components should be reused through a vendor take-back program
- "Glass and plastic Chemical bottles should be rinsed and odor-free. Deface the label, remove the cap and place in recycling bin"
- Decontaminate pipette items by spraying with ethanol solution