The National Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan (HWC-NAP) - 2021-26 for India is a guiding document facilitating a holistic approach to mitigate human-wildlife conflict (HWC), in an inclusive and sustainable manner.
Humans and wildlife in India are living in harmonious co-existence and are well protected against the negative impacts associated with HWC.
To mitigate HWC in India, by addressing its drivers and pressures, managing knowledge and information, and facilitating capacity development of key actors, for clear assessment of the situation and reducing the negative impacts of conflict on humans as well as on wildlife, with effective engagement of key stakeholders.
The HWC-NAP presents an opportunity and framework to mainstream HWC mitigation in policies, plans and programmes of the forest sector and other sectors and, at all levels of governance (national, state and local), to ensure harmonious co-existence and overall well-being of humans and wildlife, conservation of ecosystem services and sustainable economic development. This approach is consistent with Indian tradition of living in harmony with nature, the Vision for New India @75 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The HWC-NAP is built on systems thinking aimed at holistically addressing the ‘Drivers-Pressures-StateImpact-Response’. The HWC-NAP has five strategic priorities: addressing the drivers; reducing the pressures; data and information for decision making and rapid response; reduction of impacts on human and wildlife; and strengthening of institutional and financial structures for effective implementation. These priorities are complemented by 24 strategic goals, 88 desired results and achievements (at the outcome and outputs levels), and 56 indicators designed to measures progress (at process, output and impact levels).
Given that HWC mitigation is a complex issue and it will take time to set up the mechanisms for monitoring, personnel and processes, the first phase of the implementation (2021-2026) would serve as a capacity development phase. This phase will also be critical for states in setting up the mechanism and processes for development of state HWC strategy and action plans. They will also be creating enabling environment at state-level through State HWC Mitigation Strategy and Action Plan (HWC-SAP), and division-level HWC Management Action Plans (HWC-MAP), aligned with the national plan. Institutional structures such as National HWC Mitigation Forum, State-level Coordination Committees (SLCC), landscape-level HWC forum, District-level Coordination Committee (DLCC) will play active roles in bringing in the required cross-sector and inter-agency coordination, for effective implementation of the HWC mitigation plans and guidelines.
The HWC-NAP is supported by four supplementary frameworks:
Also, the following issue-specific and species-specific guidelines are being developed, to provide focussed guidance:
To access the complete Action Plan, click here.
Last Modified : 8/12/2024
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