Solar Energy Policy-2015
- Define clear and transparent policy governance.
- Encourage public-private partnerships and joint ventures to mobilize investments in solar energy projects, manufacturing facilities, research and technology development.
- Facilitate open access to the public electricity grid of the Puducherry Union Territory and thereby create opportunities for grid-connected distributed generation of solar power and smart grid solutions, such as the propagation of electric transport, in order to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and urban air pollution
- Encourage to set up solar energy plants in industrial, commercial and residential buildings.
- Establish a 'Single Window System' for technical support, funding support and project clearance.
- Create an investment-friendly environment that provides opportunities for private individuals, companies, local bodies. Government departments and others to contribute to and participate in the generation of solar energy, particularly for the electricity consumer to become a "prosumer" (a producer-consumer).
- Initiate information, communication and education measures for promoting solar energy.
- Encourage and promote solar energy research and development through technical institutions in the Puducherry Union Territory.
- Establish linkages with National and International institutions for active collaboration in development, demonstration and commercialization of solar technologies and systems
- For More Information Click Here
Source : Central Board of Irrigation and Power
Last Modified : 9/11/2023
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