Filariasis (Shlipada) is a vector borne parasitic disease caused by three nematode parasites viz., Wuchereria bancrofti, Burgia malayi and Burgia timori. Among them Wuchereria bancrofti is most common in India (98%). According to the estimates made in 1995 globally, there are nearly 1100 million people at the risk of Filariasis and there are 120 million cases of Filariasis. According to another study in India, the population exposed to the infection was 25 million in 1953 and 420 million in 1995. India is the largest Filariasis endemic country in the world. Now India contributes about 40% of the total global burden of Filariasis and accounts for about 50% of the people at risk of infection.
Filariasis was well known to ancient Indians by the name of Shlipada. It is described that the word Shlipada must be understood as an increase in the size of the foot. The word 'Shlipada' is derived from “shilavat padam shlipadam”, where the limb/foot becomes hard like stone.
The following are some interventions/ approaches based on CCRAS research from published sources.
For patients of acute shlipada who have symptoms of swelling with fever:
In early stage of pittaja shlipada associated with Fever:
Sudarshana (Crinum latifolium) Ghana Vati - 700mg thrice a day with water.
In case of chronic Kaphaja shlipada associated with excessive swelling:
Last Modified : 4/12/2021
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