Yogic Sukshma Vyayama for adolescent girls
Neck Movements
Forward and Backward Bending:
- Stand with the feet comfortably apart.
- Keep the hands straight beside the body.
- This is Samasthiti.
- Keep your arms on the waist.
- While exhaling, move the head forward slowly and try to touch the chin to the chest.
- While inhaling, move the head as far back as is comfortable.
- This is one round: repeat 2 more rounds.
Right and Left Bending :
- While exhaling, bend the head slowly to the right; bring the ear as close as possible to the shoulder without raising the shoulder.
- While inhaling, bring the head to the normal position.
- Similarly, while exhaling bend the head to the left side.
- Inhale and bring the head up to normal position.
- This is one round: repeat 2 more rounds.
Right and Left Twisting :
- Keep the head upright.
- While exhaling, gently turn the head to the right so that the chin is in line with the shoulder.
- While inhaling, bring the head to the normal position.
- Similarly, while exhaling, turn the head to the left.
- Inhale and bring the head to the normal position.
- This is one round: repeat 2 more rounds.
Neck Rotation :
- Exhale; bend the head forward trying to touch the chin to the chest.
- Inhale; slowly rotate the head clockwise in a circular motion, exhale while coming down
- Do a full rotation.
- Then rotate the head in an anti-clockwise direction.
- Inhale; go back and exhale, come down.
- This is one round: repeat 2 more rounds.
Shoulder's Movement
Shoulder's Stretch :
- Keep feet together and the body straight, the arms by the sides.
- Raise both your arms sideways above your head with the palm outward. Bringthem down in the same manner.
- The arms must not touch the head when going up or the thighs when coming down.
- Palms must be opened, with fingers together.
Skandhacakra (Shoulder Rotation) :
- Stand erect.
- Place the fingers of left hand on the left shoulder and the fingers of right hand on the right shoulder.
- Full rotation of both the elbows in a circular manner.
- Try to touch the elbows infront of the chest on theforward movement andtouch the ears while moving up.
- Stretch the arm back in thebackward movement andtouch the side of the trunkwhilecoming down.
- This is clockwise rotation and repeat it 5 times.
- Do the same anti-clockwise.
Knee Movement
- Stand straight with the feet few inches apart.
- Inhale; lift your arms up at the shoulder level, palms facing downwards.
- Exhale; bend the knees and bring down your body to the squatting position.
- In the final position, both the arms and thighsshould be parallel to the ground.
- Inhale; and straighten the body.
- Exhale while bringing down the hands.
- Repeat two more times.
Ankle Movements
Ankle Stretch :
- Stand straight with the feet few inches apart.
- Inhale; lift your right foot up at 9 inches off the ground.
- Now stretch the ankle joint forward and backward.
Ankle Rotation :
- Stand straight with the feet few inches apart.
- Inhale; lift your right foot up at 9 inches off the ground.
- Slowly rotate the right foot clockwise from the ankle joint.
- Repeat the rotation in an anticlockwise direction.
Source : POSHAN Abhiyaan
Last Modified : 1/11/2024
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