The human brain is protected by the skull called the Cranium. The cranium has the following layers
Normal functioning of the brain requires normal intracranial pressure. This intracranial pressure is increased due to:-
Intracranial Hemorrhage can broadly be divided in two sub types
It refers to the bleeding that occurs within the skull but outside brain tissue. It is further classified as follows:-
Epidural hemorrhage
It is the condition when hemorrhage occurs between skull and duramater. The source of bleeding is meningeal artery.
Most common causes include
Clinical features
Subdural Hemorrhage
It is the condition when the bleeding occurs in between duramater and arachnoids membrane. The source of bleeding is usually venous blood.
Most common causes include
Clinical features
Sub arachnoid Hemorrhage
The source of bleeding is aneurysm rupture (cerebral artery).
Most common causes include:-
Clinical features:
It is of the following types:-
Intracerebral Hemorrhage
It is further classified on the basis of location such as:-
It is the second most common cause of Stroke (First being embolism/Thrombus formation).
Clinical features
Intraventricular Hemorrhage
The condition happens when the bleeding occurs within the ventricles of brain. This most often occurs as a secondary phenomenon when intracerebral hemorrhage rupture or when subarachnoid hemorrhage extends the ventricles.
Last Modified : 6/20/2024