- Nose injury
- Dryness of inside of the nose due to dry atmospheric weather
- Hard activity
- High blood pressure
- Exposure to high altitudes
- Blowing your nose too hard
What to do if you get a nosebleed
- Sit down
- Lean slightly forward to prevent blood from running into your throat.
- Place cold, wet clothes on your nose to constrict the blood vessels in your nose and stop the bleeding.
- If blood is coming from only one nostril, press firmly at the top of that nostril.
- If both nostrils are bleeding, pinch your nostrils together for at least 10 minutes.
- If bleeding continues, apply pressure for another 10 minutes.
- If the bleeding is the result of direct injury to the nose, only gentle pressure should be applied.
- If heavy bleeding persists or if nosebleeds recur frequently, consult a doctor
Source: Portal Content Team
Last Modified : 2/20/2020
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