According to the UNCRPD document, article 9, people with disabilities have a right to receive accessible information. For that, they require support in getting the required information. The information should be provided in a manner that it is easy to understand so that they are able to make their choices and decisions.
An accessible information may be provided through websites, publications, social media etc. or through direct meetings. While planning the communication, needs of all the groups of the society are to be considered.
- The information being provided to persons with disabilities is required to be easy to understand.
- If there is difficulty in understanding, information in an alternative form should be provided.
- Pictures explaining the information in text are useful.
- The language used should be easy to understand, concise, in short paragraphs and maximally legible.
- For maximum legibility use appropriate font size and type like Arial or Tahoma fonts.
- Be careful with colours, provide adequate contrast between the essential information and its surroundings.
- The spacing between words, line and paragraphs should make the information easily accessible.
- It is better not to use decorative text, text in Italics and texts in fonts less than size 14.
- Lower case letters are easier to read so avoid writing words in all capital letters. Avoid using tables and graphs.
- Never use a background that makes it difficult to read the text.
- Provide audio file wherever possible.
- Allow flexibility by letting the users choose they way of accomplishing a task.
Source : Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Last Modified : 9/20/2023
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