SOP for Social Distancing for Offices, Workplace, Factories and Establishments
The following measures shall be implemented by all offices, factories and other establishments:
All areas in the premises including the following shall be disinfected completely using user friendly disinfectant mediums:
- Entrance Gate of building, office etc.
- Cafeteria and canteens.
- Meeting room, Conference halls/ open areas available/ verandah/ entrance gate of site, bunkers, porta cabins, building etc.
- Equipment and lifts.
- Washroom, toilet, sink; water points etc.
- Walls/ all other surfaces
- For workers coming from outside, special transportation facility will be arranged without any dependency on the public transport system These vehicles should be allowed to work only with 30-40 % passenger capacity.
- All vehicles and machinery entering the premise should be disinfected by spray mandatorily.
- Mandatory thermal scanning of everyone entering and exiting the work place to be done
- Medical insurance for the workers to be made mandatory.
- Provision for hand wash & sanitizer preferably with touch free mechanism will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas. Sufficient quantities of all the items should be availabIe.
- Work places shall have a gap of one hour between shifts and will stagger the lunch breaks of staff, to ensure social distancing.
- Large gatherings or meetings of 10 or more people to be discouraged. Seating at least 6 feet away from others on job sites and in gatherings, meetings and training sessions.
- Not more than 2/4 persons (depending on size) will be allowed to travel in lifts or hoists.
- Use of staircase for climbing should be encouraged.
- There should be strict ban of gutka, tobacco etc. and spitting should be strictly prohibited
- There should be total ban on non-essential Visitors at sites.
- Hospitals/clinics in the nearby areas, which are authorized to treat COVID-19 patients, should be identified and list should be available at work place all the times.
Last Modified : 1/2/2023
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