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Cabinet approves Unified Pension Scheme

Cabinet approves Unified Pension Scheme

The Union Cabinet has approved the Unified Pension Scheme (UPS).

The salient features of the UPS are:

  • Assured pension: 50% of the average basic pay drawn over the last 12 months prior to superannuation for a minimum qualifying service of 25 years. This pay is to be proportionate for lesser service period upto a minimum of 10 years of service.
  • Assured family pension: @60% of pension of the employee immediately before her/his demise.
  • Assured minimum pension: @10,000 per month on superannuation after minimum 10 years of service.
  • Inflation indexation: on assured pension, on assured family pension and assured minimum pension
    Dearness Relief based on All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (AICPI-IW) as in case of service employees
  • lump sum payment at superannuation in addition to gratuity - 1/10th of monthly emoluments (pay + DA) as on the date of superannuation for every completed six months of service this payment will not reduce the quantum of assured pension


Last Modified : 9/10/2024

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