Leaf spot
Disease symptom:
Numerous, small, circular, pinkish to reddish brown, conspicuous spots are seen with whitish center on mature leaves. Spots coalesce and leaves drop prematurely.
Sooty mould
Disease symptom:
- It is a fungal disease developed on honeydew-like excretion secreted by aphids and scale insects.
- The fungus slowly covers the entire leaf area severely affecting the process of photosynthesis.
- This results in reduced translocation of food to the fruits, which leads to reduction in their size.
Disease symptom:
- Branches of affected trees become flat and twisted
- Leaves become thin, small and yellow
- Cluster of leaves and flowers on affected twigs
- Flowers remain infertile
- If fruits are set, they are undersized, hard and fail to ripen
Postharvest Diseases
Soft rot Pestalotiopsis mangiferae
Disease symptoms:
- The diseases appear as water-soaked spots covering the entire fruit within 3 to 4 days.
- Rotted fruits become soft and dark brown and later numerous acervuli are seen in rotted zones.
- The fungal colonies are yellowish white.
- Mycelium is branched & septate.
- Acervuli are black, globose to sub-globose
- Conidiophores are short and simple
- Conidia are fusiform, 4-septata.
- Middle three cells are dark brown.
- End cells are hyaline and pointed.
- Apical cell is with 1 to 3 hyaline setulae.
Fruit rots
Disease symptoms:
- Diseased fruits exhibited water-soaked lesions which become brown within 2 to 3 days. Subsequently the whole fruit is covered with tufts of mycelium
IPM for Sapota
To know the IPM practices for Sapota, click here.
Source: NIPHM; Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage
Last Modified : 4/2/2020
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