Homoeopathy for Bronchial Asthma in Children
Bronchial asthma is a disease that affects the lungs by allergies or infections resulting in narrowing of airways which causes difficulty in breathing and cough.
General Instructions while taking Homoeopathic Treatment
- Medicines as indicated in this handout should be taken if the symptoms mentioned against each medicine match those of the patient.
- Medicine to be taken - 3 globules of size 40 every 3 hours dry on the tongue or in plain drinking water.
- Medicine should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably on an empty stomach.
- If improvement occurs within 24 hours then medicine should be stopped.
- If the patient does not improve within 24 hours or becomes worse at any time, then consult the nearest homoeopathic doctor.
- Medicines must be kept away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol etc.
- Medicines should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct exposure to sunlight.
- Medicines should be kept away from the reach of children.
Types of Asthma
- Extrinsic asthma precipitated by allergens (substances that cause allergy).
- Intrinsic asthma precipitated by infections. Approximately 75 to 80 percent of children with asthma have significant allergies.
Precipitating factors
- Exposure to -
- Common outdoor factors: Pollens - from trees, plants and grasses, including freshly cut grass and mould etc.
- Common indoor factors: Animal dander - from pets with fur or feathers. Dust and dust mites - in carpeting and pillows etc. Cockroach droppings.Indoor mould etc.
- Exercise - running or playing hard, especially in cold weather
- Upper respiratory tract infections - colds or flu
- Emotional upset
- Irritants: - Cold air, strong smells and chemical sprays; perfumes, paint and cleaning solutions. Chalk dust, lawn and turf treatments; weather changes ; cigarette and other tobacco smoke.
Signs and Symptoms
Sudden and acute attack of:-
- Breathlessness
- Cough
- Wheezing ( a whistling sound during breathing)
- Chest tightness
These symptoms vary from person to person and from time to time in the same person. Some people have all the symptoms, while others may have only cough or breathlessness.
- Avoid exposure to the precipitating factors.
- The patient may require hospitalization if he complaints of:
- Uncontrolled bouts o f coughing or wheezing
- Chest tightness or pressure
- Intense breathing difficulty
What Homoeopathy can do?
- Improves self defense mechanism of the body.
- No side-effects of medicines.
- Helps in reducing the frequency and severity of subsequent attacks
Following are some of the first line medicines for Bronchial Asthma of recent origin but it is advised that a qualified homoeopathic doctor should be consulted.
Complaints |
Medicines |
- Sudden wheezing and suffocation
- Cough with constant gagging and vomiting
- Chest seems full of phlegm but no sputum comes out
- Profuse salivation with thirstlessness
Ipecacuanha 30 |
- Breathlessness more at midnight
- Cannot lie down due to fear of suffocation
- Feels thirsty with frequent sipping of water
- Anxiety and fear of death
Arsenic album 30 |
- Asthma during damp weather
- Must hold the chest when coughing
- Thick, ropy and greenish expectoration
Natrum sulphuricum 30 |
- Asthma with upset stomach
- Attack worse in morning, after eating or after getting angry
- Symptoms worse in dry weather
- Symptoms better in wet weather
Nux vomica 30 |
Source : Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy
Last Modified : 4/5/2024
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