The normal body temperature in human beings is 37oC or 98.6 0F. When the body temperature is more than this normal level, the condition is called fever. Fever is not a disease. It is only a symptom of a disease. It is the reaction of the body to any type of infection. The increasing temperature indicates the level of severity of the disease.
The following diseases could be cause of fever
- Malaria
- Typhoid
- Tuberculosis
- Rheumatic fever
- Measles
- Mumps
- Respiratory infections like pneumonia and cold, cough, tonsillitis, bronchitis etc.
- Urinary tract infections
Common fever symptoms
- Body temperatures more than 37.5 oC or 1000 F
- Headache
- Body chills
- Joint pains
- Loss of appetite
- Constipation
- Loss of appetite and tiredness
Simple tips to follow
- The patient is to be kept in a well aerated room
- Plenty of liquids is to be given
- Clean and soft clothes are advisable to wear
- Adequate rest is essential
- A doctor is to be consulted when the temperature is above 39.5oC or 1030 F
- or if the fever is continuous for more than 48 hours.
Type of food to be taken during fever
- Plenty of clean and boiled water
- To support the body with sufficient calories, its advisable to take glucose, health drinks, fruit juices etc
- Easily digestible food such as Rice gruel, sago gruel, barley water etc are preferable
- Milk, roti and bread
- Mutton egg, butter, curds and food prepared with oil should be avoided.
Source: Portal Content Team
Last Modified : 2/29/2020
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